Dedicated to Dena
I hear Dena’s Challenge
a calling
this is hard, but I am
up and trying -
Have a creative mind I shan’t
be bawling
can’t ask Dena why, cause
I can’t be prying
Writers never think
letters and such
they just grab their eager
pens and write -
I have a thinking cap I
wear and clutch
I’ll accept this
challenge - It bet’tr be right
Already at third verse,
I’m ready and set
haven’t used that
little letter Dena says I can’t -
Hey, this is great -
I’m thinking I can’t fret
still haven’t used that
silly letter yet - I shan’t
My write is at end - I'll visit the website 'Alliance'
all use’se guys can see
I am truly sublime -
It is finished and I am
happy smile’in a big grin
Dena my pal, giv’in me
an A+ cause I did rhyme
- Rhoda Galgiani
Author's Note:
The Challenge is: Can't use the letter that is between N and P in the Alphabet!!! rg