September 28, 2021

weather - haiku

daily climate change
weather always part of us
surprise, surprise huh?
- Rhoda Galgiani
haiku a Japanese Form of Poetry
subject is always about nature
3 lines: 1st 5 syllables, 2nd 7 syllables, 3rd 5 syllables

September 17, 2021

Let's Talk???

Conversation bewildering
as some don't think
words flow aimlessly
causing some confusion
Questions cause alarm
some don't want to answer 
those who ask considered nosy
sometimes one just can't win

Learning to go about ones way
conversation is limited and empty
just as the world is today - false
lost if one doesn't own a cell phone
So one moves on slowly
taking in nothing as usual
but confidence within ones self
calms the moment in question
- Rhoda Galgiani

September 14, 2021

Sleepy Rain - haiku

glow from the bright sky
clear blue comforts all of us
rain takes needed nap
- Rhoda Galgiani
haiku a Japanese Form of Poetry
subject is always about nature
3 lines: 1st 5 syllables, 2nd 7 syllables, 3rd 5 syllables

September 10, 2021

Our Father...

Come to me with woes of gloom
talk to heaven express the doom
take a moment and share your grief
speak to me I'll bless you relief
Those who believe shall be saved
for it is written if one behaves
all it takes is faith for some
trust His word yes, everyone
Sometimes we must share our thoughts
some fall back forget what was taught
daily prayer even just a word or two
brings you to Him yes, me and you -
Our Father Thou Art in Heaven...
- Rhoda Galgiani

September 2, 2021

Dance Steps in Life...

Slow is thought when activity is low
ambitions swirl as they choose to run
direction is confused with no where to turn
 brightness is yearned to clear the dust
One with positive thoughts shall dance
they have learned control of their destiny
as one learns at a slow lingering steps
time pulls one all together for advancement
Choosing not to think backwards
mind thoughts continue to develop
pictures grow into beautiful sculptures
for the eyes to see their future visions
thus, life continually dances on...
- Rhoda Galgiani