November 30, 2018


Bare are the autumn limbs
leaves begin to abandon their nest
ground shimmers with dryness
leaves tumble by its lonely trunk
Cold days with windy movement
one shivers as they long for warmth
winter season is just a start
of cold months that come to us
One dreams of spring to come
happy in heart we remember
buds burst with their beauty
fulfilling our longing and hope
Until then we shall once again
continue our nature's journey
as one ages it becomes easier for
the hustle and bustle is behind us 

- Rhoda Galgiani

November 25, 2018

As Fall Goes Into Winter...

As Fall Goes Into Winter  

Leaves upon the ground
brown dry blow'in in the wind
comes this cold fall day
with blueness deep in the sky

Christmas lights appear 
in the windows close by
those eager for the second
holiday event to begin

Kitties watch the leaves
tumble from corner to corner
of the window sill where they sit
hope to join in the outside fun

Not today - it's too cold
maybe tomorrow a stroll outside
a rustle and bustle they both
playfully look forward to...

winter's playful stage is here
for all of us once again

- Rhoda Galgiani

November 18, 2018

Peace to All

Warmth within the soul
runs high this time of year
starts with Thanksgiving
with the thought of turkey
and all the trimmings
and leads into Christmas
as we remember all the gifts
laughter and joy comes as
one is grateful for the season
that claims the hearts
it begins seasonal peace
as we greet each other
smiles on faces as we travel
the paths of our lifestyles
gentle hellos to strangers
on the busy street
we might ask if one needs help
or assistance today
all are lifted by the atmosphere
that surrounds the human race
this year peace comes slowly
as one widens their own births
to grow with acceptance thus,
peace in the heart continues
to grow until one day...
all will be right with the world

- Rhoda Galgiani

November 8, 2018

I'm All Fixed!!!

Me Kitty Patched!!!

Being uneasy can go a long ways
from slight to overwhelming
my fear is gone thanks to Him
and tremendous support from all

Total success was my surgery
large cataract 1 hr and 5 min to remove
usually 30 min - nurses gave great care
that put me at ease and peace

I am so grateful to all
next eye when it is ready
will be a 'piece of cake', for sure!
that's what they all told me...

their words ring loud and clear

- Rhoda Galgiani