December 31, 2021

Happy New Year...2022

 Happy New Year
 to each and every one of you
 Sending Blessings for a
safe New Year as you protect
yourself and family...
Hugs from,
Rhoda (hmmm)
 Gracie 14 yrs. (top)
           Ginger 4 yrs (bottom)               

December 13, 2021

Leaves Go Bye-Bye...haiku


sun touches lone tree
brings golden light to dry leaves
branch longs for spring love
- Rhoda Galgiani
haiku a Japanese Form of Poetry
subject is always about nature
3 lines: 1st 5 syllables, 2nd 7 syllables, 3rd 5 syllables

December 11, 2021


One's words will break a heart
without regret harshness is said
without regret one doesn't consider
without regret a heart is broken
Thought play a part in conversation
words chosen should be considered
words chosen do have meaning
words chosen are deeply heard
Regret plays a role in one's company
forgiveness should be shared together
forgiveness should be spoken with love
forgiveness should be fulfilled if one desires...
to honor another family member
- Rhoda Galgiani

November 28, 2021

Within Ones Self...

We love Mommy...Gracie 13 and Ginger 4

Thoughts ramble through the mind
coming from long ago to the present
wondering why as one puts aside
until the next moment they come again
If one doesn't have current activity
of course thoughts will come from long ago
a friend the age of 98 told me this
she is soooo right with her thoughts
Living alone is separating and difficult
one tries to have an active life
but at an older age this is defeating
as most friends are now gone
Thank God for my two kitties
they are my family whom I talk to
they listen and know Mommy's words
I have taught them to understand...
my love - I am truly blessed
- Rhoda Galgiani

October 26, 2021

Just Ain't Gonna Happen...

Emotions seem so real
all seems to flow just right
not too much thought
goes into the moment
Time passes slowly
info comes in spurts
visions here visions there
all seems to be just right
Information continues to grow
small warnings float in the air
words speak with ups and downs
listener on a changed path too long
Emptiness consumes body
want to fulfill a joint relationship
friends with new conversation
movements to new areas...
just ain't gonna happen
- Rhoda Galgiani  

October 19, 2021

One's Own Love...

Feelings of unrest
consume the body
with confusing thoughts
demand wants of change
Life is what it is
conversations carry woes
wonder why the ups and downs
when can one become calm
Surrounding issues bring harm
confusion of dark communication
seemly never clears the air
walking away one still carries doubt
Cut off seems to be the answer
remove self from the unrest
walk one's own new direction
brings peace to an unsettled mind...
it's the only way to find
true love within ones self
- Rhoda Galgiani

September 28, 2021

weather - haiku

daily climate change
weather always part of us
surprise, surprise huh?
- Rhoda Galgiani
haiku a Japanese Form of Poetry
subject is always about nature
3 lines: 1st 5 syllables, 2nd 7 syllables, 3rd 5 syllables

September 17, 2021

Let's Talk???

Conversation bewildering
as some don't think
words flow aimlessly
causing some confusion
Questions cause alarm
some don't want to answer 
those who ask considered nosy
sometimes one just can't win

Learning to go about ones way
conversation is limited and empty
just as the world is today - false
lost if one doesn't own a cell phone
So one moves on slowly
taking in nothing as usual
but confidence within ones self
calms the moment in question
- Rhoda Galgiani

September 14, 2021

Sleepy Rain - haiku

glow from the bright sky
clear blue comforts all of us
rain takes needed nap
- Rhoda Galgiani
haiku a Japanese Form of Poetry
subject is always about nature
3 lines: 1st 5 syllables, 2nd 7 syllables, 3rd 5 syllables

September 10, 2021

Our Father...

Come to me with woes of gloom
talk to heaven express the doom
take a moment and share your grief
speak to me I'll bless you relief
Those who believe shall be saved
for it is written if one behaves
all it takes is faith for some
trust His word yes, everyone
Sometimes we must share our thoughts
some fall back forget what was taught
daily prayer even just a word or two
brings you to Him yes, me and you -
Our Father Thou Art in Heaven...
- Rhoda Galgiani

September 2, 2021

Dance Steps in Life...

Slow is thought when activity is low
ambitions swirl as they choose to run
direction is confused with no where to turn
 brightness is yearned to clear the dust
One with positive thoughts shall dance
they have learned control of their destiny
as one learns at a slow lingering steps
time pulls one all together for advancement
Choosing not to think backwards
mind thoughts continue to develop
pictures grow into beautiful sculptures
for the eyes to see their future visions
thus, life continually dances on...
- Rhoda Galgiani

August 29, 2021


Feelings of joy can come immediately
like a breezy wind across the cool sky
most is blown clean with new thoughts
crispness encounters one spirit willingly
Freshness within the mind is welcomed
clears away all the stale moments buried
blueness in the sky wakens ones memories
brings hope and happiness to their soul
Without faith and positive attitude
one is lost in the shadows of doubt
wiping away the discolored motion
clearness of ones vision is restored
Uplifting visions remain if so desired
one must train their own thought patterns
for them to return and remain in their soul
thus, a feeling of freedom shall grow rapidly
- Rhoda Galgiani

August 23, 2021

Happy Birthday to Me...

Happy Birthday Rhoda
Age appears each year as expected
accepting reality one moves along
until the next year comes again
As one grows the world changes
not complaining it is bad
but realize it moves quickly
A settled spot one feels content
moments appear with sudden change
questions consumes the mind - why?
Age can play funny games
contentment, unrest, happiness and peace
one can go with the glow or fight it

This writer choose to accept my games
for I feel and know He is always with me
now that it is my age changing year - again!

Rhoda Galgiani
Author's Note:
Yes, it is my birthday August 27th! I will be 80 years old - wow, oh
wow, where has the last 30 years gone? I am happy and content with
my life but, wish I had a boy friend to share it with! LOL Moved to a
new apt. in the same Senior Apt Complex ..June 3rd - the change is
good for me and all my new neighbors very welcoming...rg

May 10, 2021

Thoughts of Calm...

Upon the crest a vision comes
whispers of contentment showers
joy felt with complete satisfaction
peace within the mind calms fears
Faith must control ones emotions
for without it one will surly die empty
belief in a higher authority is a must
as one chooses their own vision
Without this control of ones being
calm can't diminish pain that remains
control is what we must endure
if happiness is to bring us comfort
- Rhoda Galgiani

May 2, 2021

Faith Within Oneself...

Upon the horizon
a light shines through
with wishes upon the brow
hope for me and you
Time has buried us
with deep desperate thought
we wait for a message as
what might be brought
Life as we've known it
left us limp and drowning
dreams quickly washed away
left us empty and frowning
Faith within ones heart
gives hope within the wind
without it one will surly parish
grab the moment so all will surly win
- Rhoda Galgiani

March 11, 2021

Not This Goat!!! 3dRose ht_118516_3 Cartoon Billy Goat Funny Animal Cartoon Iron  on Heat Transfer, 10 by 10", for White Material
 Quiet is the mind
from a difficult year
Ups and downs with worry
nothing to bring one a cheer

All will go away we think
but, when we just don't know
hope by next year
all will disappear and go

Freedom was taken so fast
our souls can't comprehend
our thoughts can't handle it
our minds can't understand

Try to be optimistic
share love all around
for all can leave us empty
nothing but a frown

So, will try to think positive
and try to stay a float
believing all will now renew
go tackle some other goat!!!

- Rhoda Galgiani