December 26, 2013

Happy and Healthy New Year to All...

As we say goodbye to 2013 -
a year that seemed especially
harsh to many...
 is sending good cheer for
the coming New Year 2014.

Our hearts thank you for spending
time with us - see you all next year!

May God continue to grace this
website with 'expression' to be shared
with those who want to learn more
about the wonderful world of poetry.
'Let the Pen Flow' -
Heartfelt Blessings from,
Rhoda and Gracie

December 20, 2013

Merry Christmas 'Expressions' Readers...

Jesus’ Birthday 

The holiday season means
something to everyone differently
perhaps, but the meaning is
there for those who choose believe

To those of you who follow my poetry,
my words can be deep and penetrating
My feeling for the birth of our Lord
is just a deep as my penned words

It seems many have forgotten
what Christmas is all about
Knowing it is about the birth of Jesus,
that is what I choose to celebrate

My Lord was born on this day
Joyous are we as to His birth,
saddened are we as to His departure
His will come again, for it is written

To the people who celebrate with
material things, I wish you joy
To the people who celebrate His birth,
I wish you peace, love and happiness

I choose the latter
as I reflect the life of our Lord,
His trials, tribulations and His death
for me and mankind

- Rhoda Galgiani

December 19, 2013

Featuring Spiritual Poet ~ Karen O'Leary

Christ's Birth

Christmas is His birthday
Humble Son of God
Rescuer of souls
Igniting faith
Sustaining life
The grace giver
Spiritual mentor

Born in a stable
Inspiration for all
Redeeming sinners
The key to salvation
Hope for the world

By Karen O'Leary

December 16, 2013

'Expressions' Features ~ Charlene McCutcheon

His Mission: To Save

Lovingly He calls, Come unto Me 
All ye who are so heavily laden. 
I've paid the price for all your sins, 
Making it possible to be forgiven.

Repent and be baptized, it reads. 
Receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. 
He will guide you safely back home.
Despite the world, He helps most!

Kneeling at the foot of His cross,
My head bowed in deep humility,
I remembered His loving words
While going through such agony.

Father forgive them, he pleaded.
They don't know what they do.
In compassionate understanding
He makes intercession for us too.

Jesus first loved us and lit the way.
Oh to return His love; how we ask?
Give as Jesus gave, to us so freely.
Forgive as forgiven, that is our task.

                 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

December 9, 2013

Merry Christmas from 'Expressions'...

Baby Jesus and Santa Claus

Happy Birthday, Jesus

In the silence of the night
He comes to us, bringing
heavenly love and warmth
 within His glorious touch

As we accept His gift and
cherished love that surrounds us
we gives thanks to Him for He
brought to us His Son today

Our hearts receive His purity
light that shines upon a new born
in the hay, the light captures our
souls bringing us understanding

Remembering baby Jesus and His birth
we give thanks to you Father for
your blessings and our gift of life as
we bow our heads and give our hearts -
 to your Son Jesus

- Rhoda Galgiani

'Expressions' is Sending Holiday Blessings
To All for a Glorious Christmas Season.
Let Us Not Forget What Christmas
is Truly About - Him...

Hugs from Rhoda
with Kitty Purrs from Gracie 

December 8, 2013

Santa is Coming...

Have you been good???
I have, I have...

December 7, 2013

Free Verse...

Fortune Cookies Don’t Lie 

This is a moment of your reality
‘stay in touch above all with what you feel’
what you feel is yours alone, shared by no one

You might speak of your feeling only to gasp
with a lack of understanding that comes to view
by one not in touch with reality of his own mind

- Rhoda Galgiani

Poetry Created from My Fortune Cookie…
Free Verse Poetry Form has no rhyme, no special line length or no special pattern
It sounds like natural speech - It tells a story or paints a picture - It uses carefully chosen words to describe experiences or feelings - It is written like a poem and not like a paragraph
It must make sense to the reader…rg

December 6, 2013

Ricks 32...

Lone Willow Tree

Willow tree
You weep for me
As I stand
Beneath your sprawling limbs
Come comfort me today
From the world
That surrounds me
Set me free
Willow tree
Do dry your tears
I am strong
I carry a steel shield
Wards off the pain that comes
My angel
Is always near
Takes my fear

Willow tree
Spread your branches
Wide and true
Let the sun now shine through
Take the chill from my soul
As I touch
My fingertips
To your heart
- Rhoda Galgiani
Ricks 32 Poetry Form - 8 lines 3-4-3-6-6-3-4-3 syllables
Rhyming optional - any subject, at least two verses - no verse limit...rg

December 1, 2013


Meadow of Wild Flowers
Colors Delicate Shade
Meadows of flowers spread their hew
Giving birth to scent the foliage
Nature shows her delicate shade
Wondrous beauty of nature’s love
Deer gather at the meadow’s stream
Come together they drink their fill
Fear none as summer casts her glow
Meadow of flowers spread their hew
 Bumblebee’s spread their golden wings
Gather pollen giving new growth
Come spring the cycle starts again
Giving birth to scent the foliage
Beauty in our eyes we behold
Buds peek through fertile moist soil
As flowers come each year to us
Nature shows her delicate shade
Blessed are we to share such gifts
Bringing peace to one’s heart and soul
Color remain in silent sight
Wondrous beauty of nature’s love
- Rhoda Galgiani
Cascade Poetry Form - Created by Udit Bhatia
This poetry form does not have any rhyme scheme; therefore, the layout is simple.
As an example: the first verse has three lines - Line one of verse one becomes the
last line of verse two - To follow in suit, the second line of verse one becomes the
last line of verse three - The third line of verse one now becomes the last line of
verse four, the last stanza of the poem -  a/b/c, d/e/A, f/g/B, h/i/C...rg