December 20, 2013

Merry Christmas 'Expressions' Readers...

Jesus’ Birthday 

The holiday season means
something to everyone differently
perhaps, but the meaning is
there for those who choose believe

To those of you who follow my poetry,
my words can be deep and penetrating
My feeling for the birth of our Lord
is just a deep as my penned words

It seems many have forgotten
what Christmas is all about
Knowing it is about the birth of Jesus,
that is what I choose to celebrate

My Lord was born on this day
Joyous are we as to His birth,
saddened are we as to His departure
His will come again, for it is written

To the people who celebrate with
material things, I wish you joy
To the people who celebrate His birth,
I wish you peace, love and happiness

I choose the latter
as I reflect the life of our Lord,
His trials, tribulations and His death
for me and mankind

- Rhoda Galgiani


  1. Dear Rhoda,

    What a wonderful message for the Christmas season. Blessings to you for sharing it with us. Keep up the good writing my friend.


  2. Hi Rhoda. Let me first say thank you for this writing community. Thanks to all that contribute and thank you for the poem "Jesus' Birthday." "It seems many have forgotten what Christmas is all about Knowing it is about the birth of Jesus, that is what I choose to celebrate" That's it right there! Jesus is the Reason for the season. I choose to celebrate Jesus also!

  3. Thank you Rhoda for another magnificent poem. Like you, I choose to celebrate Jesus birth. What a blessing having no money to buy anything for others this year. It has forced me to celebrated Jesus birth more fully than in the past.
    Love, Charlene

  4. Hi Karen - you know I write what I feel deep within. I truly believe Christmas is a big commercial mess. I choose to remember my Lord and His birth as it was meant to be. But, I told you, I do buy myself a Christmas present each year. LOL This year I bought myself a GPS Tracking System - I am so excited to learn it and travel out of my comfort zone here on Long Island...rg

  5. Thank you Maurice for your endearing comment. I am happy with your visit and look forward to 'featuring' you after the 1st of the New Year as I told you. It is a wonderful feeling to celebrate Christmas for what it is truly about - His Birth...rg

  6. Dear Charlene - thank you for being you and for sharing your feelings about Christmas and what it means to you. Like me - you choose to celebrate Him. Isn't that a glorious feeling? I am so happy you enjoy coming to 'Expressions' and look forward to many more of your visits as you continue to learn about the world of poetry...rg

  7. *Email comment received...rg

    Dear Rhoda and Karen,

    I saw some wonderful poems on Rhoda's site today. I checked some boxes, but wanted to leave comments as well.

    Congratulations, Rhoda! You recruited some very good writers and your own poem on Christmas is beautiful.


  8. Dear Carolyn - thank you for the email comment and for the visit at 'Expressions'. I am so happy you enjoy the website and poetry posted by Karen and myself. Sending you Christmas Cheer and best wishes for a 'healthy', Happy New Year...rg
