April 29, 2010

176 VOTES - 5th Place Winner...

'Expressions' received 176 Votes!
The Voting ended - April 30, 2010...

Apparently this is an on going contest for Bloggers, as the votes were set back to zero and people are voting again for the month of May. I believe the votes are based on people who visit a Blog on a regular basis. The traffic to 'Expressions' is limited, so I really am
happy to be in the winners circle for the month of April...
I will let you know what prize 'Expressions' won!

Thank You for all the Votes
my Loyal Supporters -

Rhoda and Kitties

Ms. Loretta, 'Lil Miss Baby and Mr. Gismo ~

When I first saw this picture of my poetry friend Carol Brown, OH
and her puppies, my heart filled up with love. Look at those
little poochie faces, how could one not fall in love with each
and every one of them! Carol is a fabulous poet and you may
read her at poetrysoup.com With Friends and Canine
buddies like this, who could ask for anything more -
Are we all blessed or what?

April 28, 2010

A New World ~

The world is full of all kind of people,
strange thoughts whirl around our universe
looks of bewilderment as people pass on the street,
distrust between moments of an encounter, no words

Wondering where the gentleness went,
innocence nature gave to our youthful minds
growing within the confines of our neighborhoods,
safety bestowed to our children as they play in the streets

Years traveled so swiftly, my mind has aged,
the body doesn’t move as it once did with agility
thoughts of yesteryear and its surrounding dwindled,
a new world has risen to claim their rights and thoughts

People moved with the world as it revolved,
spinning to create their peaceful domain, a crib
lined with golden straw to comfort a weary generated brow,
shutting out their own creativity, their own mass destruction -

of what their world 2010 has become - cold

April 26, 2010

Dang! She finally put that camera away ~

Gracie's favorite spot for a snooze,
on top of my printer with bedding, of course!

Two Minus Two ~

First there was
Max & Missy at
the window 1996,
added Mai Ling &
Gracie 2008,
Now, just Max
& Gracie 2010

"Enough with the pictures Ma, I just want to watch those birds!"

I will
pose for
just one
but then -
I want to
take a snooze!"

April 25, 2010

The Elephant Seal ~

His body rest upon the ageless sand
as the warmth of the sun touches his
weary body of massive strength

His youthful appearance is captured
within his eyes, a babe, exploring
almost as if calling, ‘come play with me’

A Human is discovered, something he
does not know, structure not recognized
by the sea creature resting on his domain

Eyes touch with a glance of wonderment,
a moment of trust, visions of tenderness between
the two on the apron of the cold ocean shore

A moment in time has join God’s creatures,
one who explores the depths of the sea, one from
the surface of the earth, created for them…

as the Elephant Seal and Human unite

Author's Note:

I normally would not post this type of poetry on 'Expressions', but I was sent an email Video of an young Elephant Seal who discovers a human at the beach. I was so touch by the Video, that I had to express what I felt inside. The bonding of the two was (is) incredible. I wish I could post the Link to the Video, but I couldn't. It was posted at Wimp.com

April 22, 2010

Little Red Devil in Me...

At times the little red devil
comes out in me, bringing
a side that you rarely see.

Such fun during this time
quite different, not the usual me
excites my outgoing personality.

At times the little red devil
cries a simple kitties meow,
calling to me knowing I
understand somehow.

Then a thought comes of who I was,
reincarnated human from a kitties world,
such silly devilish thoughts, because -

This is not real; it’s just a game,
I enjoy telling my stories to
make you all laugh just the same.

I call my kitties Gracie and Max,
knowing who my kitties are,
sweet felines yes, they are - by far.

So, Mother Cat shan’t play no more
for she know she’s human and has
to run to the grocery store...

to fetch lots of kitty food that
I know they will adore!!!

April 20, 2010

Time is Time ~ 708 Village Drive

Moving through a moment of time
is something never considered
returned to one for use again,
for it has exceeded itself,
it's spent, for time is time - gone

Time, a period of which something existed,
just for a moment, then quickly moved on to
another turn of the page creating a memory,
marvelously maintained within the aging mind

Memories created during their course of time,
built with contentment of the surroundings,
a structure in life that one has been engulfed,
brings a satisfaction of the precious time used

Watching the second hand on the timepiece
of our lives, a forward movement of the hands,
spinning ever so slowly until time is time - no more,
for we have finished every minute of our time given

April 18, 2010

Mr. Bugsy & Madam Maggie Mae from NV

Bugsy left, Maggie Mae right ~

Hey look!!! I got an email via Pigeon Carrier with new pictures of Mr. Bugsy 8 and Madam Maggie Mae 1 who live in NV. What a cute pair of puppies these two are. Their owner is Barbara Dyson who is very creative with Stain Glass. She created a picture of my departed Missy that I will cherish forever -

Hey Pigeons! Thanks for the email...

Rise Up...

his light is calling
drawing spirits to heaven
house cleaning earth’s sins

April 17, 2010

Gracie's Cradle of Love ~

Ms. Gracie ~ Age two years
as she plays with my watch...

Sickness rings from your soul
as you fill with stifling staleness
lingering, pressures your breath
calling me to nurturer you as He
brought you to a home of safety

Peace comes to thee quickly
again your strength is protected,
again your will to survive as a
special feline halo casts a glow of
triumph that cast out the evil serpents

Together we shall overcome the
foggy shadows that linger within
thy breast for it was written that
you would be given all that you
deserve, for you have been chosen

And I, chosen to fulfill His desire
bringing you to a haven of wellness,
bringing you to everlasting warmth
from His loving arms to mine as I
hold you dear in your cradle -

of love

Author's Note:

Although Gracie is a Feral Kitty, she is very gentle and loving to me and others people, for she has bonded with all humans beings and animals. Is she favored? Yeah, just a bit, by her Mother Cat!

April 16, 2010

Night Clouds ~

Movement of the moon as
it slithers across the sky, casts
a glow that displays the
characters designed within
the night clouds resting.

Forming distinguished shapes
within themselves by a gentle breeze
passes in the night, swirls by on
its own destination of adventure.

Covered by the evenings darkest of hue
the glorious creations floats in a manner
of lifelessness, but eagerly says to all,
“Come sit with me, if only for a moment”.

Pausing, with wants to caress the momentum
of the passing object of a misty monument,
the spirit lingers as it defies its own destiny,
wondering if it dares to linger a moment longer.

Moving to another point in time the night
clouds abandon its glorious spot for another as
new shape for tomorrow develops for the youthful
eyes to see, as the new dawn's morn opens -

just for a moment with its visual truth.

April 13, 2010

To My Sista Email Buddies...




Hand in hand WE make the world go 'round!

who take
a moment
to smell
a rose,
gives a
of their
heart -

April 8, 2010

Welcome, Glorious Spring...

This year I have waited like
no other for Spring to come
back my way. Watching the
silent trees for a signal of
new growth, listening for the
birds to sing their first tune,
watching people to see if
they step just a bit lighter.

Glorious Spring has come!
You are finally here for all to sing about.
Seeing the Daffodils starting to grow,
Tulips poking their new born sprouts up
through hardened earth reaching for the sun.

I am happy for my Spring is here.
I am going outside to enjoy every
moment of this glorious time of year,
seeing it all, the new growth of it.
spending every second I can in God’s -

seasonal creation of beauty.

April 7, 2010

Poetry from the Inside Out...

The Power of Faith

The sweltering heat from ones mind
burns the inner flesh creating holes
of deception and defeat

Crying for a cool calm to caress the
sweltering body a breath of fresh air swirls
calming and comforting the troubled mind

Peace surrounds the unraveled being
as peacefulness becomes one again
and joy returns to unite body and soul

For a moment in time a disruption began,
another moment in time the disruption is gone,
again, reminding one of progress made -

as the power of faith again, overcomes

Into the Waiting Light

And, He said,
Come take my hand
and let me lead you
within the confines
of my spirit.

And, He said again,
with a whisper in his tone,
Walk beside me
for I am your truth
and salvation.

And, He said for the third time,
You are my Daughter,
I am your Father,
our family in spirit will
flourish through eternal love.

And, I said to Him,
I love you.
My faith in You
if forever lasting now and…

into the waiting light.

April 6, 2010

He Called Her Christy ~

She’s a black and golden tiger tabby never far from sight or mind, has made indelible her plaintive cry. Like yours she has that wrinkling black M, fancy finds upon the close-inspected brow, white mustache, pink nose
and densely jungled ears.

Her jowls are swept by stripes two black, into
sunny mane now bent to shade along the spine,
with searched-for priceless flecks of yellow dust
that multiply. She doesn’t like to have her hind
paws played with, though how resist those
big elegant black-cushioned soles. Doesn’t
want her circus tail impeded while she
studies eyes-to-eyes winking fond appeal.

Christy is a black and golden tiger tabby cat never far
from sight or mind has made indelible her plaintive
cry and when one least expects she’ll come around to
share with feline sigh, will scold me back bound onto
my lap alike a gently pounded whistle-bear, then
settle soft and wild audaciously relaxed ~

Submitted to 'Expressions' by -
Daver Austin, MI owner of Christy
She was the Queen, living to the age of 21 years.
She is in God's Animal Heaven now...

April 4, 2010

Wild Freedom ~

The wild Mustang run free as the wind,
across the burning Mohave Desert amongst
the ever present Sagebrush and wild Cactus.

His mighty spirit is decades old as he
carry the shadows of yesteryear and their
moments lost in time, a time of freedom.

Always fearful of the Cowboy who carries
the threat of a Lariat, bringing his birth
right to their tamed territory of capture.

He run with speed like lightening strikes,
galloping with hooves of steel, out running
the ever present threat of a fenced Corral.

Furiously, throwing his head up and backwards
as nostrils flare in defiance, the rope tightens
around his powerful majestic, muscular neck.

Brought down he stands his ground as they,
his captors eyes his Mustang heritage
passed from generation to generation.

For a moment, he stares at them with heated
breath, with determination for he shall be free,
free from their desires and control of his life.

He rears, hoofs reaching to the sunlit sky
as the Cowboy jumps back startled, grasping
at the Lariat, as it flies through the air -

His Mustang spirit fights to live in the Mohave Desert,
not as a Cattle Bronko in a Rodeo’s captive Corral.

April 3, 2010

Rhoda & I on Weight Watchers...

You know
Rhoda &
I are on
a diet.
Slow going
2 oz. at
a time...


Thanks, Ronald Bingham, TX

(Rhoda lost 9 lbs.)

You'se Say'in it's a Bad Hair Day?

I don't
think it's
a bad
hair day!
I'm right
in style
with dis


Stop Cutting Down the Trees...

Author's Note:

When I received this photo I was hysterical laughing. Being a cat lady, I was amazed at the genius of this photo.

Thank you Caryl Ramsdale, NV