December 29, 2009

Angel of Sunlight ~

Angel of Sunlight
came whispering love to me
with all her heavenly might

Spreading her glorious wings
as scents of fragrance in the air
touches my heart with special care

Deep within the beautiful bloom
newborn buds shelter their scent
waiting to greet me as it was meant

Sharing all her glory with me
Angel of Sunlight flutters with glee
for I came to her longing to see…


Fifth Place Honorable Mention
Angel Poetry Contest
January 31, 2010

Author's Note:

I received this beautiful Angel for Christmas from my creative friend Patricia Adams, AK. This was the only gift I received, because one daughter was ill and the other couldn't travel from NJ because of bad we haven't shared Christmas yet. I met Patricia almost three years ago on a poetry web site and we share feelings and comments about our poetry to each other and also to other poets. Patricia's sensitivity is beyond words for she expresses from her loving heart. Yes, she is a poet and you may read her at - Search Poet: Patricia Adams at the web site. Thank you my dear friend for this special gift. I shall cherish it for the rest of my days, remembering my only gift for Christmas 2009 came from your dear heart, all the way from AK to NY...

Love, Rhoda

December 23, 2009

A Bio of Gracie...


Because Gracie has Asthma, she can't be spayed. Max is 13 yrs and is nutered. When she swishes her tail, he looks at her like she is nuts, then turns over and goes back to sleep!

There was a naughty girl
and a naughty girl was she,
for she is always getting
into trouble
as she
wiggled around
her boyfriend
as he

She swings her hips
and flings her tail
she rubs his cheek
and sometimes gives
a sweet little wail
as nature
took its
for it changed
her into a
sly little worm

She purrs and whimpers
and drives him wild
she plays with him
as if he were a child
this feline
her urge…

For you see
nature came
to her
it is your
time to

Fifth Place Winner
Christmas Parlour Poetry Contest
December 22, 2009 ~

December 20, 2009

Happy New Year ~

wishes you
for the
New Year
with love...

H ope is before us as we begin to loudly cheer
A nticipating the coming of a fabulous New Year
P acifying the joys within our grateful hearts
P rayer will comfort our tears and woes from the start
Y esterday is gone, a bright tomorrow is near

N ewness to start again, fresh is the beginning of a New Year
E njoying life as it was meant to be for all mankind
W ellness to all as the sunset cast her peace devine

Y earning to continue our march from door to door
E verlasting love for hate we agree, we abhor
A rm in arm we walk chanting ‘Don’t Tread on Me’
R oaring with love together, for all eternity

from Rhoda and Kitties, Max and Gracie

December 19, 2009

His Glorious Hand ~

Sometimes, one crosses another’s path when
it is least expected, for we were walking
the same road, on that very same day and
it was destined we’d meet, to be spiritually
bonded and joined by His glorious hand of love

Although we were miles apart, the event
was already laid out in His master plan as
He whispered gently to us, quietly in each
of our ears, come join together now in
harmony and share my spiritual love

Through friendship that we have acquired,
through love held deep within our souls
our special joining shall remain forever,
with golden halo’s bonding our Sisterhood,
forever etched within our fragile structures

So with this said to you my distant friend,
I send these words written with love across
the miles that completes for us, one of our
predetermined journeys, remembering…

He brought you into my heart forever

Dedicated to Barbara Dyson, NV
Creator: Stained Glass "Missy"
December ~ 2009

Posted on ~ Search Poet: Rhoda Galgiani

December 16, 2009

Missy visited NV, Now comes Home to NY ~

This beautiful stained glass picture of my departed kitty 'Missy' was sent to me by my fabulous email buddy of 8 yrs Barbara Dyson from LV, NV

Stained Glass Kitty 10" x 16"

My heart is overwhelmed with the love
she sends to me across the miles.
 Saying 'Thank You' to this
beautiful heart just can't be enough...

December 10, 2009

Hero is He...

C hrist was born on this blessed day
H ero is He for showing us our way
R everent are those who love Him so
I rrevocable are smiles that glimmer like snow
S ins are washed away in a gentle stream
T emptations are halted by the loveless it seems
M asses gather displaying unified faith for they care
A ligned side by side they kneel in spiritual prayer
S inging their praises of love and glory that they share

L ife is forever for those who are faithful and receive
O fferings held high from those who don’t deceive
V isions of our heavenly Father triumphantly appear
E verlasting love reins, His promise to us forever held dear

Acrostic Form - Poetry that certain letters, usually the first in each line form a word or message when read in a sequence.

Honorable Mention
Love Came Down Poetry Contest
December 10, 2009 ~

A Christmas Birthday ~

Christmas trees glimmer
with the fresh dusting of new
fallen snow under a starlit sky,
the brightest star shining down into a
manger laced with golden colored straw.

A shimmering halo captures the star as its
gleaming stream of light is given depth,
a vision to treasure for all whom have
discovered Him, who believe and rejoice,
this glorious day for what it is, His birthday.

Joyfully, gifts have been brought to Him by three
Wise Men to the manger in the stable where He lies.
All lovingly bowing their crowned heads as they adore the
newborn Christ child, our Savior, born to the Virgin Mary,
conceived knowing His birth came to be, to save a sinful world.

Loving Him for the sacrifices He shall make for the
misguided, unruly quest of man, God created His only Son.
Man, woman and child shall sing His praises on this joyous
Christmas day, His birthday as they remember the blessed
baby, Jesus lying in the golden colored straw in a manger…

a birthday gift from God to the awaiting world.

First Place Winner
Christmas Time is Here! Poetry Contest
December 29, 2007 ~

December 8, 2009

'Expressions' Wishes You a Very...

Ho, Ho, Ho from Rhoda and Kitties...
Max and Gracie

I hope you and your kitties have a very Merry Christmas and good health for all the New Year.

Love from Vernette Hutcheson, LA

December 6, 2009

My very own 'Surprise Kitty' as seen on YouTube!

Coo-chee, Coo-chee, Coo-chee Coo - Coo-chee, Coo-chee Coo

"Gracie" 5 Weeks Old ~ 2008