wishes you
for the
New Year
with love...
H ope is before us as we begin to loudly cheer
A nticipating the coming of a fabulous New Year
P acifying the joys within our grateful hearts
P rayer will comfort our tears and woes from the start
Y esterday is gone, a bright tomorrow is near
N ewness to start again, fresh is the beginning of a New Year
E njoying life as it was meant to be for all mankind
W ellness to all as the sunset cast her peace devine
Y earning to continue our march from door to door
E verlasting love for hate we agree, we abhor
A rm in arm we walk chanting ‘Don’t Tread on Me’
R oaring with love together, for all eternity
Uplifting poem Rhoda! Thank you for sharing it. I hope you are having a wonderful new year.