December 31, 2015

The Eyes of Innocents

The Eyes of Innocents

The look in your eyes is distant -
a look that tells mankind to stay away,
so you may live in your own chosen space

The loneliness you feel while
traveling your road in search of
what you are searching for, lingers

Hearts long to capture your innocents,
too tuck you safely away from human
devilish hands that bring you harm

Strong and beautiful you stand your
ground protecting your birth given
right to survive, as your howl cries…

let me run wild, let me run free

- Rhoda Galgiani

December 22, 2015

Hidden Thoughts

Hidden thoughts tackle feelings
sealed eyes not seeing its task
angels protect the soul a
thoughts rush to come out 

- Rhoda Galgiani

December 18, 2015

Angel Hues

One is reminded as days pass by
of blessings that descend from the sky

Multiple colors from a solitary beam
catches your eye with its glorious gleam

Taking you within its massive glow
whispers to soften your saddened woe

As love sustains your starlit heart
guiding your life’s path from the start

Passionately, feel love for me and all
moments before you might take a fall

Into a rainbow created just for you
cradles your heart capturing angel hues -

in His world of love

- Rhoda Galgiani

December 16, 2015

Seeds of Life

Life wheel turns every second
memories of dreams where destiny roams
a small time on earth our seeds grow…spiritually

- Rhoda Galgiani

December 14, 2015

Merry Christmas from Rhoda...

Hero is He…

C hrist was born on this blessed day

H ero is He for showing us our way 

R everent are those who love Him so

 I rrevocable are smiles that glimmer like snow   

S ins are washed away in a gentle stream

T emptations are halted by the loveless it seems 

M asses gather displaying unified faith for they care

A ligned side by side they kneel in spiritual prayer

S inging their praises of love and glory that they share

L ife is forever for those who are faithful and receive

O fferings held high from those who don’t deceive

V isions of our heavenly Father triumphantly appear

E verlasting love reins, His promise to us forever held dear

Merry Christmas from,
Rhoda Galgiani

December 11, 2015

Merry Christmas from Gracie...

        Gracie's Favorite Spot - Mommy's Printer

 Mommy's Says Easy Gracie...Easy!!!

Dear Poetry Buddies:

When my Mom found me, I was three weeks old - that was in 2008! My Mother was a Feral Cat and had three of us Kittens, but she had no milk to feed us. There was my Sister, Brother and me. Someone found my Brother and Rhoda found me. My Mother and Sister were captured by the ASPCA and all I can do is pray for them.

If Rhoda hadn’t found me, I would have died. I have Asthma and she gives me my medicine every day if I have an attack. The very first attack I had I was seven months old and it was at night time. She and her neighbor rushed me to the emergency vet’s hospital about 20 minutes away. Well, to make a kitty story short, the Doc’s treated me and the bill was $672.00. My Mom whipped out her credit card and saved me. Her neighbors thought she was crazy for paying that much for a Feral Cat who was so young, like it wasn’t as if she had me for a long time. My Mom told them, ‘what did you want me to do, kill her?’ There is no way that my Mom would have let that happen to any animal. And so, she paid for my care on her credit card and was happy she had the card to save me.

So, here I am right this very minute on top of my Kitty Blankie on top of her printer as she is typing this for you all to read. When I was a tyke, she would put me up here to keep an eye on me and I love it. This is my special spot – and when Rhoda prints, I jiggle all over as the printer prints out! I am so blessed that I have a wonderful home here with Max and Mommy. And, you know what? If Mommy had to do it, all over again she would - because she loves me, she loves all animals and she had a heart of gold. Rhoda named me Gracie because I am Gray with four white tipped paws and a little white on my tummy and a white bib under my chin. I know you have seen my picture because she brags about me all the time. But most of all she named me Gracie because, I was saved by the Grace of God…

Love from,
Gracie Galgiani

PS: I am so happy my Mom Rhoda writes poetry, because she is pretty darn good at it!!! LOL

December 8, 2015

Music of the Mind


Silhouette captures
moonlight as she dances
Music stops, she wipes
sleep from her eyes
Realization, there
are no love notes
- Rhoda Galgiani

December 6, 2015

He Gave Me Wings

He said unto me - follow
For I shall lift your soul high
Your heart is full not - hollow
Fear not your lost soul shall fly

Hear my laws that lead you - home
Trust my word come close to Me
Your spirit sees lighted - dome
Glory shall be brought to thee

Flying with your angel - wings
To heaven where spirit lives
Fingers yearn to play harp - strings
A place where God loves and gives

Come! Feel His forgiving ways
See His light with golden rays!

- Rhoda Galgiani

December 3, 2015

Rejoicing Him

 The Rapture

He opened my eyes and then empty heart
Taking my hand and leading me to love
Dark soul become light like a piece of art
I shall never roam from my home above
He shows me how to be what I now am
Given directions I walked to the gate
I tell Him of my love I hold His hand
Saved my life before it was too late
I am blessed by the right choice
His love came gently my way
My heart sings to His voice
Joyous day
My dear Lord
Hear my voice
You’re adored
I shall rejoice
Forever in your embrace
I know I have found my sacred place

- Rhoda Galgiani