October 31, 2015

Nature's Whirlpool - Triolet Form

Color swirls in the wind
Whirlpool grasp for leaves
falling becomes their end
Color swirls in the wind
collects in an earthly bin
protects who surely believes
Color swirls in the wind
Whirlpool grasp for leaves

- Rhoda Galgiani

Author's Note:
Triolet Poetry Form is a poetic form consisting of 8 lines
Within a Triolet, the 1st, 4th, and 7th lines repeat,
and the 2nd and 8th lines do as well.
Rhyme scheme is simple: ABaAabAB, capital
letters representing the repeated lines...rg

October 28, 2015

Autumn ~ Days of Blends

As autumn arrives your eye
Will see the joy of color
Days of Blends of orange and gold
Glimmering in the bright sunlight
Evenings filled with a Harvest moon
So close you can almost touch it
Air so brisk that fills your lungs
With a fresh, new crispness
A season depicting the end of summer
And the prelude to winter
Embrace this season as
A delight of Nature’s majesty

- Anonymous 


Dedicated to Al

People have met not expected
possible friendship this is projected

Moments there two people to share
talk displays their joyous flair

Peaceful moments come to view
when I have visits just with you -

my new friend Al

- Rhoda Galgiani

October 26, 2015

The Flower of Fall ~ Haiku

visually displayed
gold mums the autumn flower
will welcome snowflakes 

- Rhoda Galgiani

October 24, 2015

Bonded in Spirit ~ Dedicated to Robert E. Galgiani

SPIRIT BOND - by Marcia Baldwin from Western Art by M Baldwin

Memories come in a moments flash
at times one’s thoughts even might clash
Happy times fill one’s rhythmic rhyme
long ago comes to enchant the mind

Time flies so fast these days
thoughts and time lost in a grey haze
So much learning has been gained
from the young years one was trained

Sadness fills the eyes that are blue
when one think of the years lost to you
Wishes come for me to see you again
must wait til our meeting comes when

So grateful my memories remain strong
happy times I shall live happy long
Blessed that you touched my heart
true love you gave from the very start

A childhood of love and growth
bonded in spirit are we both -

my Dad
May 22, 1911 ~ May 26, 1990

- Rhoda Galgiani

October 23, 2015

A Cowboy's Daughter

At the young age of twelve I rode the
barbed wire fences with my cowboy father,
who taught me to wear leather chaps for
I was his little girl, a cowboy’s daughter.

During a scorching summer’s drought or
during a rainy season the fences needed repair,
for the cattle would see their escape and run
through the open fence without despair.

The ranch hot and dry with lingering dangers
around the front porch as rattlers would hide,
Our faithful cattle dog Judy would bark seeking
them out keeping us safe from their striking side.

Our horses Blue and Boy excitedly jumped
and whinnied as they saw our pickup arrive,
knowing we would give them alfalfa and oats,
my Father loved his mounts with a cowboy’s pride.

I shot a 30-30 rifle with precision taught from a man
who made his own bullets, collecting guns for many years,
I was taught to walk beside him wearing my cowboy hat
as long as my hair was tucked behind my girlish ears.

He shot year round to feed his family fresh meat and
stopped at the grape and melon fields giving us such joy,
He was a frontiersman born in a century of modern times
but, his mind set was that of a rugged bronco busting cowboy.

Then I grew up having a family of my own with
no cattle ranch or guns to shoot nor horses for me to ride,
my life took another turn away from the ranch that I loved
and now have only a memory I carry with cowgirl pride.

- Rhoda Galgiani

October 20, 2015


IF...one is humble
joy comes to thee
IF...one is hateful
lightening strikes in three
IF...one eyes follow the light
they remain open to see
IF...one feels eternal love
they will become free

Did you find your IF today???

- Rhoda Galgiani

October 19, 2015

A Message from Rhoda ~

Expression is heard from within
Words spoken tells where they have been
Buried inside a hidden grin
Isn’t a sin; isn’t a sin!

Come daylight I show a bright smile
Won’t hide anymore all the while
With words to express shows my style
Been a dark isle; been a dark isle!

Imagination mine to share
Read to others without a care
Memories come back shed a tear
Vision past errs; vision past errs!

Spirit alive soul is now born
Guilt and hiding is now not worn
Past is buried I shall not mourn
Old pages torn; old pages torn!

- Rhoda Galgiani

October 18, 2015

Soft Glow of Light

Grey is the day with dimmed light
that filters itself through the trees
the world longs for the sun to appear
to bring joy to the surrounding drab

On days like today we must be creative
determined to find light within our hearts
appreciate what is before us at the moment
whether it be bright from the sun or not

The mind is in control of everything about us
let’s see how we use it, how we determine us
for black will always be black unless
we turn it around to a soft glow of light

- Rhoda Galgiani

October 17, 2015

Autumn's Cycle

Ribbons of Autumn
Circles the sky in dance
Waltz the golden leaf
Moves from its branch of birth
Shallow grave below the sun 

- Rhoda Galgiani

October 13, 2015

Memories Forever

Beautiful morn touches
my window sill today
It brings a sunny glow to
the usual humid shore

Surrounded by water our island
carries a cast of low clouds
They try to create an image on
the artist canvas of still life

Gentle breezes touch my lips
a promise of a glorious day
To be remembered as visuals
are captured today - forever

- Rhoda Galgiani

October 10, 2015

Father to All

Strong are my spoken words
for they come from my heart
I speak to all who will listen
who feel His love in their soul

He is a vision who is real as He
shows us His path that we are
destined to walk for He comes
to spread  His love and glory

Let your soul be full of peace as
one is no longer alone for our Lord
is there in our presence, know He is
Father to all - come and adore Him

- Rhoda Galgiani

October 9, 2015


A lost child’s game
Long ago thoughts buried
Sleepy eyed visions wished upon
Hear the bluebirds that have long since been gone
Joyous dreams dance in the night air
Granting wishes somewhere
Hear my thoughts now

- Rhoda Galgiani

October 7, 2015

Multitude of Feelings

Happy -
head spinning
round and round
dizzy from excitement
joy, laughter

Feelings -
overwhelmed tears of joy
anticipating happiness
to come, wishing it
would never go away

Loving -
full heart shares
with others hugs
kisses, spreading all
good things to - the world

- Rhoda Galgiani

October 6, 2015

Rural Thoughts

Colorful Aspen Grove in Fall

Shadows deep
Hold secrets swarming
Within an untold mind
Reach for Aspens
Painted on portraits
Viewed by the
 Leaping sun

- Rhoda Galgiani

October 5, 2015


The soul is calmed
guiding the body
through the curvatures
of the world highways
Moments now and again
bring it to bend, to sway
as bouts of dis-pleasures
battle the weary frame

Storms arouse the soul
testing limits
grabs its being to
reveal the stability

Strength within
captures the essence
surrounds the beating heart
giving protection from the -

soul storm that invaded thee

- Rhoda Galgiani

October 1, 2015

Silhouette in the Sun

Hills outside the valley
picturesque in brilliant green
talk to us and our souls
reminding what’s in between

Heaven’s blue will capture you
taking us into rapture’s flight
saving all in a single bound
accepting His destiny’s plight

Speak to Him and call His name
for His words echo’s in our minds
teaching us love and forgiveness
will save our earthly souls in time

His breath was taken long ago
for His flock it’s said, that He died
my sinner’s eyes look at Him
I feel His pain as I cried

Today, bright and glorious blue
I feel His love surely come
For we are but a silhouette
in the shadow of His sun -

remembering the day, He died
for each and everyone

- Rhoda Galgiani