April 20, 2014

An Easter Message from 'Expressions'...

To All Who Grace the Pages of 'Expressions'
We are Sending Holiday Wishes With Love
For a Joyous and Happy Easter...
Hugs from Rhoda,
Kitty Purrs from Gracie


  1. Hope you had a Happy Easter too my friend. What a blessing you are Rhoda. Thank you for sharing this greeting with us.


  2. Hi Rhoda. I hope you and yours had a happy Easter. -MJ

  3. Thank you Karen - Each year I color my own eggs and make an Easter Basket - I then took it down to Club and all was so excited. Quiet time here for me - happy I have my friends to share holidays with...rg

  4. Hi Maurice - Thank you for the Happy Easter wishes. I went to Mass and received Him - I am so happy I have returned to the Church as of Ash Wednesday. I gave up Taco Bell for Lent - the first time I ever did this practice because I am a late bloomer to the Catholic Church. It was very difficult cause I love Taco Bell so much - I'se proud of my sacrifice =0)...rg

  5. Rhoda, sounds like you had a great Easter. Good job with your sacrifice. It does give one a good feeling to serve the Lord in that way. I had a good Easter Sunday too.
    Love, Charlene
