November 17, 2022

Peace Within...

Speaking to friends is a blessing
when conversations goes smoothly
contentment consumes ones body
brings calm to the spirit within
Associating with people of comfort
is a joy that over comes one mind
peacefulness in the confines of ones life is
appreciated and will be in the heart forever
One can live upon their memories
especially if the memories are of value
sometimes this is hard to find but
when found is forever cherished
Being one who appreciated good talk
good thoughts and good gestures from people
I remember my day as I lay down for sleep
praying to the one who takes care of me...Jesus
- Rhoda Galgiani

November 9, 2022

Thoughts of Encouragement...

Confusion may rise unexpectedly
as the world turns up and down
with decisions to make on a daily basis
one wonders if decisions can be found
Going alone is a empty life pattern
movement will come slowly for one
if patient with their empty heart
know difficulty can be overcome
One who is alone carry sad thoughts
that can go with time and space
being more positive about their outcome
overpowers the devil within their sad face
Life is short with waves of discontent
we must learn in today's world of woe
how to handle discouraging conversations
be with people with positive thoughts...
- Rhoda Galgiani

November 6, 2022

Heavenly Touch...

sun touches my soul
calm controls spiritual grief 
rays purified mind
- Rhoda Galgiani 
haiku a Japanese Form of Poetry
subject is always about nature
3 lines: 1st 5 syllables, 2nd 7 syllables, 3rd 5 syllables

November 1, 2022

Meeting Paul...

 Meeting new people is such a joy
especially if the two of you click
his name is Paul and we got our
Covid19 Booster shot the same day 
We chatted in general so pleasant
yes, he is married and I respect that
I am single and talk to a lot of people
and yes I would like to find a male friend
But that hasn't happened as I believe most
men feel this woman will hit upon them
noooo I just want a male friend to add to my
life as I can certainly take care of me
The conversation where I live is all old ladies
I say that with respect and a male would
certainly lighten up a great conversation - if I
wore rings I think they would open up more
So these are my thoughts - Paul you were a joy
I would love friends like you and your wife
even though I haven't met her I am sure we
all would hit it off great...Blessing to you and yours
-Rhoda Galgiani