October 5, 2020

Thoughts of Long Ago...

Herefords Feeding...
Hooves pounded the ground
a daily occurrence with the cattle
as they saw the truck they'd
come a running in a herd

They'd wait for the alfalfa
as Dad unloads for them
tails whipped and heads sway
in the wind upon the ranch

Days are gone but memories remain
young years were a blessing
all is within my heart forever for
now I remain in an ordinary life...
- Rhoda Galgiani 
Author's Note:
My Dad was a Cattle Rancher north of
Sacramento, CA.We raised Herefords
(white face cattle). As I grew up I rode
the fences with him, saw the cattle branded
with our Bar X Brand and fed them alfalfa too!
I am so grateful for my 14 yrs with my Dad
and all his teachings - He was a huge animal
lover, learning it all from him so am I...rg