March 13, 2019

My Forever Friends...

Gracie when she was 3 wks old ~ July 2008

Sissy came home at  4 mo. old ~ Sept 2017 

Feline love thrills my heart
my Gracie gives me a kiss
as a young kit I taught her
now a day she doesn't miss
Year and a half ago
Sissy came to our home
a bit of an independent
it seems she wants to roam

Gracie is the mom for sure
she cares for Sissy as a babe
gives her baths with a lick or two
and a smack if she doesn't behave

They are my joy for sure
alone I would be without them
if Mommy is sad they come to me
give hugs, purrs without a whim

Yes, I am a huge animal lover
can't tolerate those who hate
God brought animals for us to love
always hug them it's never too late...

before they go to animal heaven

- Rhoda Galgiani

Gracie sleeping on the printer!!! Yes, by Mommy