January 13, 2019

Older Single Lady's Thoughts...

Gabby and Her Kitty Cats
(She only has two)
Age changes one's thoughts
as to 'if they can still live'
as they use to when it comes
to relationships with men

Questions arise mentally about
one's age and the physical aspect
of a relationship with a new man
in a chat with the opposite sex

The younger mind is confident
or simply doesn't care what
the opposite sex thinks -
they just move on

Older gals dwell, question
themselves and wonder
hmmm, is this for me now
yup, I hope it is - but...

I am not taking the negative
road especially now that I 
opened my mind and heart
on this page to all of you...

I say, the heck with it
at my age go look to see
what is out there and
you know what - he might be

doing the same darn thing I am!!!
