October 26, 2018


Yes, I have Hazel Eyes!

Fear can run deep as the mind wanders
gaining control of ones mind
takes thought
 takes discipline
takes training

Any age one can control and be trained
to change their thought process daily
practice control
practice to focus
practice calmness

Is this easy - no, for sure
but, with dedication
one can gain confidence
one can accomplish goals
one can grow

into the solid person
one is meant to be!

- Rhoda Galgiani

Author's Note:
I am going in for Cataract Surgery on November 1st ~ Yes, I am scared!
Not from the surgery, but from the antiseptic and loss of me being in control...
I know I will get through this and I have tons of support - my friends say it's a
piece of  'cake', they have gone through it and not to worry...wish me the best! rg