January 31, 2018


Gracie at 3 Years Old

Her kitty heart is always with me
I am so blessed to have her home
she comes to me with a gentle touch
never wants to wander and roam

Having a dog would be just great
apartment can't handle the in and outs
my love is a kitty its my life right now
she my bud there's surely no doubts

Her name is Gracie and she is now nine
still has her asthma and meds each night
but in spite of it all she is the best
she loves her Mommy and all is just right

- Rhoda Galgiani

January 30, 2018

Mother Nature's Gift ~ haikut

winter's snowy gift
nature covered home pure white
play with her today

- Rhoda Galgiani

Author's Note:
Haiku is a Japanese Form of Poetry
consisting of 3 lines with set syllable count
1st line = 5, 2nd line = 7, 3rd line = 5
Subject is about Nature only...rg

January 25, 2018

Gentle Emotions...

His Words Speak to All Who Will Listen

Words come silently in the night

comfort becomes the body's rest
whirling mind slows its pace just right
sleep renews blessed vision best

Morning dawn will gently wake all
with promise of goodness to come
motions control one shan't fall
stability for everyone

Gentle emotions comforts soul
as one peers to heaven above
promised renewal is His goal
words spoken come to all with love

- Rhoda Galgiani

January 17, 2018

Snowy Delight

Wintertime brings a solid glow
Branches of ice they do now show
With trees all made of crystal glass
Shows superior winter class

He brought all this beauty to us
Opened our eyes with love and trust
Snowy days filled with winter art
Happiness for all from the start

Faith in Him and His loving ways
Brings us love and joy we do say
Hills and valleys beautiful white
Smiles and laughter our hearts delight 

Winter will pass by all too soon
Spring blossoms will come in full bloom
Memories of snowy delight
Will stay with us throughout the night

- Rhoda Galgiani

January 14, 2018

Within One's Mind

Where I was hidden within a mask
unable to move ahead to tackle my own task,
sealed with feelings so the world couldn’t see
pretended life was perfect, but it wasn’t for me

Body and mind captures deep a darkened hole
wanting to explore, but the mind was not whole,
somehow, feelings sealed in its own captive crate
protects my soul, from its wrath before it’s too late

Looking around at others and their well being
afraid to take a chance, so the eyes may start seeing,
wonder why my ways can’t grow beyond its own wall
questions why it can’t come out of its shadowed hall

Hidden so long a comfort zone took control
today will pass; my thoughts need not take a stroll,
excuses shout, ‘I shan’t walk my journeys new path
tomorrow I say that’s the day to conquer my wrath'

Tomorrow the dark drawing that lies ever still
angels encouragement bring strength and goodwill, 
nourishes life on that carries patterns of self doubt
thoughts swarm wildly rush swiftly to come out...

- Rhoda Galgiani

January 7, 2018

Our Temps are Going to Rise!!!

Warmth is finally coming our way
a big '34 degrees' tomorrow
Hey, this is warm compared
to the below zero temps
we've had for the past
two frigid weeks
All week our
temps rise

Icy hugs from Rho
on LI in NY

January 3, 2018

Words of Love for All of Us

He loves me
I love me
He loves you
I love you
Does anything else matter?

- Rhoda Galgiani

January 1, 2018

Happy New Year

Wishing all a fabulous
New Year 2018
I think we all deserve
it, for sure!!!

Rhoda Galgiani
Kitty Kats