May 29, 2017

Our Moments in Time...

Long ago, there stood a moment in time
that we shall all remember knowing
moments shall come around again

Moments of laughter, of joyous times
with one another as the children played
we all came together - as one

Younger days, we grew and longed
for a fulfilled life that was laid out
before us - our destiny - our fate

Memories of friends who shared thoughts
of new homes around us, planting of seeds
that grew and nurtured our growing families

Many know deep in our hearts, we
shall come around again as we passed
through our own moments of time -

we remember those along the way

Happy Memorial Day 
Rhoda & Gracie Galgiani

May 25, 2017

Without a Second Thought

Time is an ever-flowing adventure
for it moves forward
without a second thought

As the earth revolves
the sun rises and sets according
to the time clock of the universe

When we awake in the morning
we know the sun will rise
for we have always known

Just as we know the rain
wind and clouds will be there
on a timely basis

Time may move slowly
or swish swiftly by depending
on who we are or where we may be

Sometimes it creeps ever so slowly
we wish it would speed up
to get us through our hour of woe

Suddenly it speeds by and we wish
it would slow down to give us more
time to savior moments of serenity

Learning long ago time stands
not a moment still I will use time
wisely for time shan’t wait for me

- Rhoda Galgiani

May 20, 2017

Thank You Cedric!

Thank You
Dedicated to:
My Maintenance Man Cedric

I think of you with joy in my heart
a man who always carries a smile
our friendship flourished from the start
my trust in you stays all the while

If in need you come with a call
helping me to take care of myself
kind soul you most certainly are
a heart carried on a loyal shelf

So, I thank you my friend here today
knowing you are the best guy ever
for when I call you will come my way
I trust in you to help me whenever...

Thank you Cedric!

- Rhoda Galgiani

May 18, 2017

God Cleans House ~ Haiku

god’s tears covers earth
washing the world clean today
last week not enough

- Rhoda Galgiani

Author's Note:
Haiku is a Japanese Form of Poetry
consisting of 3 lines with set syllable count
1st line = 5, 2nd line = 7, 3rd line = 5
Subject is about Nature only...rg

May 11, 2017

Not All Are Aimless...

Blessings come to those with an open heart
one with faith and love towards all others
many are blessed and don’t even realize
truth til a tragedy occurs in them

Grateful should we be from dawn til the dusk
but, many don’t take time to realize
good around them or the blessing that comes
the world move too fast for the aimless mind

Most of life is now taken for granted
some think blessings are deserved just because
we have earned it; ah, I don’t its think so
they come because He sees goodwill in us

Grateful for blessings - I wish for others
to take a moment to expand their faith
to see the light beyond the dark tunnel
not all are we give Him thanks

- Rhoda Galgiani

May 7, 2017

With Love

Moments come with a thrill in the heart
unexpectedly a movement from afar arrives,
quickly turning towards the glow, we shiver
for our moment in time has arrived with love

Joy fulfills us with warmth of completion
visions overtake us giving new perspectives,
the world seems to turn around to a good place
as our lost empty spot is consumes with love

How has my heart wandered so long alone
from day to day with unfulfilled feelings,
all seemed Ok and normal to you and me
then it came and hit us squarely with love

One says where did this love come from
how did it arrive so quickly on this day,
the mystery has been all around us to
prepare us for a touch felt with love...

from His glorious heaven

- Rhoda Galgiani

May 5, 2017



Fear of an unknown place
crowds visions of the mind
Confusion rushes through channels
continues its twist to nowhere
Calm restores the bewilderment
a promise of peace to one’s soul ...

- Rhoda Galgiani

May 4, 2017


One with a sense of humor
will laugh throughout the day
taking with them joy and love
the way it should be, they say

Laugh with me for it is right
as the silly in us brings a special glow
laughing together, we spread bright light
shared smiles, the world will now know

- Rhoda Galgiani 

May 1, 2017

My Words - from a Fortune Cookie!

I Get's Rattled, but I Do's Make It!!!

It is now and in this world
that we must live -
through the convictions of
one's own mind and the
courage and strength one
conceives we shall survive

The world’s daily dark
shadow hinders on life
but, through continued
endurance the human body
becomes able to strengthen
warding off the evil spirits

In the end all shall come together
with love in our hearts and
joy in our souls for He is
going to show us the way
with passion and completeness
as it should be - from the beginning...

- Rhoda Galgiani 
Author’s Note:
The first two lines are from my Fortune Cookie - rest of the words from my heart...rg