November 4, 2015

A Women Scorn ~ Sonnet

The heart has turned away hiding inside
Conceals the pure love that once did glow
Afraid to reveal pain the heart does show
Broken with slashes deep trying to hide
Body mends the mind closed the gap so wide
Love has taken the soul far below
Buries the guilt so his hand cannot sow
Heart crying deep tears as true love has died

Soul has learned not to trust anymore
Steals ones mind and thoughts not to restore
His lying lips she’s now a woman scorn
Emotions wasted on visions now torn
Walks alone to regain life as was born
Brings hope to a women who is lovelorn

- Rhoda Galgiani

Author's Note:
*As you read my work be assured my writing is fantasy!
I am a happy single camper, for sure!!!
A Sonnet consisting of an octave with the rhyme pattern abbaabba 
followed by six lines with a rhyme pattern of cdecde or cdcdcd.


  1. What a heartfelt poem. The pain of loving and losing that love is always hard.Thank you for sharing.

    Michelle Porteous Price
    Sacramento, California

  2. Thank you so much for the comment - Happy you enjoyed my poetry efforts...rg
