Heaven casts a spiritual glow of light
a touch felt at the
path of His glory
a mask that shows on one’s
face is delight
words heard by all - a continued
Heaven casts a spiritual glow of light
Heaven casts a spiritual glow of light
brings to all mankind sight
of His true love
love that brings all new
strength to their lost plight
faith grows - heaven’s
light fills one from above
Heaven casts a spiritual glow of light
Heaven casts a spiritual glow of light
angel’s voices send their
songs to below
lifts spiritual life to
a renewed height
ridding all the pain
from the souls of woe
Heaven casts a spiritual glow of light
Heaven casts a spiritual glow of light
falling rain brings
blessed taste to ones lips
like a baptism to ones
brow - forthright
His word forever
written in the scripts
Heaven casts a spiritual glow of light
Heaven casts a spiritual glow of light
on a garden with
magnitude of smell
flowers rainbow colored
ever so bright
sins forgiven in heaven
- saved from hell
- Rhoda Galgiani
- Rhoda Galgiani