May 2, 2014

Visual Captivation - Alliteration

Narcissus Flower Blooming

Flowers, feverishly flourish,
Budding, blooming beaming
Colorful, creative creations,
Wanting, wanderers wandering to…
 Visually captivate their vibrant victory
- Rhoda Galgiani
Author's Note:
Alliteration Poetry Forms are sentences or phrases that contain words that repeat the same beginning consonant sounds - The initial sounds of a word, beginning either with a consonant or a vowel, are repeated in close succession...rg


  1. Visually enchanting, Rhoda. Very nice poem. Thanks for sharing. Continued blessings! -MJ

  2. Hi Maurice - you were busy I see reading me. Thank you so much for your continued dedication to 'Expresssions'. Blessings to you and yours...rg
