May 12, 2014

Around the World - Rhyme

A morning dawn -
the essences of a summer’s glow,
brews just over the horizon, low
Amazing rays of beauty -
as sun lite streams filters sun’s light,
brings life to all that see her bright
Nature’s newborn seedlings -
reach for the warmth brings them strength,
as they grow taller in their worldly length
Awake from a peaceful sleep -
come alive by sprinkles of morning dew,
creatures wake with displays of brilliant hue
Strolling through the majestic garden -
breath fragrant from summer flowers,
from every color of a rainbow’s shower
Summer time brings creative growth -
to beautiful gardens all around the world,
for every precious little boy and girl
 - Rhoda Galgiani
Author's Note:
This Rhyme Form of Poetry is a pattern of rhyming lines in a poem or in lyrics for music
It is usually referred to by using letters to indicate which lines rhyme - For example - abb indicates a three-line stanza in which the second and third lines rhyme...rg