January 22, 2014

Maurice J. Reynolds is 'Expressions' Featured Poet...


They come in a variety
of forms: Thanksgiving,
Christmas, barbeques,
cookouts, celebrations
and the like.
Most often, the festivities
are a time of fun and good cheer
that bring us all together.
A family dinner reminiscing
of the time when grandma made
that delicious old fashioned
ice cream or when granddaddy
would extend his hand for a nice
handshake before giving a big
hug and asking how is everything
going in our life.
Smiles galore, plenty of food and
conversation fill the room.
Such delightful times those
festivities bring.

The Heart

The heart is not always an
easy thing to figure out.
There are times when
it protects us and there are
times when it fails us.
It beats and is a living
piece of us, to be treated
with love and kindness.
Sometimes the heart causes
a lot of emotional turmoil
and sometimes it leads us to
paths of joy and happiness.
Oftentimes the heart can be
a bit unpredictable, as it can
wrestle with our emotions and
with our flesh and blood, yet
a heart devoted to God is guarded,
tucked away, and cared for so that
it knows it belongs to Him.
- Evangelist Maurice J. Reynolds
TGBTG Publications


  1. Maurice - it is such a joy to publish your beautiful uplifting poetry. Thank you for the submission - I know others will enjoy your thoughts and creative abilities as much as I do...rg

  2. Thank you so much for this honor, Rhoda. Your kindness touches my heart. May the good Lord bless you abundantly.

    -Maurice J. Reynolds, Owner / Editor
    TGBTG! Publications / Creative Inspirations

  3. Dear Maurice and Rhoda,

    Congratulations on this beautiful feature Maurice! Rhoda, what a wonderful job you did with this. You selected a kind and caring person for this honor, one who is a light in the poetry community. Blessings to both of you. You are both treasured friends.


    1. Blessings, Karen! Thank you so much for the encouragement. Rhoda is very talented and creative. I thank her for this opportunity and give the glory to God!

  4. email comment I received from a friend in UT...rg

    This is such an awesome poem, and I want to post it to my FB page. Tell your friend I love his poem, and it captures exactly how I feel about Jesus. Thank you for sharing it with me, my sweet friend. Love, Carole

    1. Carole, thank you for the kind comments and for posting the poem to your Facebook page. I am glad that you enjoyed it. To God be the Glory!

      -Maurice J. Reynolds, Owner / Editor
      TGBTG! Publications / Creative Inspirations

  5. Thank you Maurice and Karen for the comments. It is such a joy publishing good quality poetry for other to read and be touched by. Thank you again Maurice for sending me your inspirational work...rg

  6. Thank you, Rhoda for the opportunity and thank you, Karen for your encouragement. Thank the both of you for what you do in the writing community.

    -Maurice J. Reynolds, Owner / Editor
    TGBTG! Publications / Creative Inspirations

  7. Dear Maurice, I love both of your poems. I have fond memories of my childhood that were evoked by your first poem. The second poem hit even closer to home as I have been praying that my physical pain will alleviate. It seems I am talking to God all of the time. I always remind myself that "a heart belonging to God is guarded and tucked away. It is wonderful to read your poem on Rhoda's website. Now I can see even more of your work. God bless you, Maurice. Love and blessings, Carolyn

    1. Carolyn, thank you for the blessed encouragement and comments. I too deal with pain and often find myself talking to God about it quite a bit. One thing I have learned is that He never puts more on me than I can bare. I too am encouraged that my heart is tucked away in Him. Be encouraged, my friend and please continue sharing your gift of poetry with others. I am encouraged by your poetry.


  8. Carolyn - thank you for the lovely encouraging comment to Maurice. It is such a joy to post such quality work as Maurice has displayed. I know others will be inspired by his words. 'Expression' readers - welcome to 'our' world of poetry - try it, you might like it!!! rg

  9. Maurice, I loved both your poems, the first so reminiscent of my childhood family reunions that brought such joy to be able to participate in. The second is right up my alley now, because I too have such a heart for Jesus. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent on Expressions Poetry Journal so that I can see more of your it. Thank you Rhoda for posting his poems. You are an angel.
    Love, Charlene

    1. Hi Charlene. Thank you for the wonderful comments and encouragement. I enjoy your poetry too. I agree with you as well that Rhoda is an angel. Blessings!


  10. Hi Charlene - thank you so much for the welcoming comment for Maurice. His poetry is a delight to read and I am sure his words will be enjoyed by many readers. Spiritually lifting - his poetry lingers in ones heart...rg

    1. I want to thank you, Rhoda, for publishing the two poems. You are truly a blessing to the writing community. I pray continued success in all you do in His name! Blessings, respect and appreciation!

