October 11, 2013


Services Rendered
Jewels of the night sparkle her neck
Rushing the door closes behind her
She shivers as she hears creatures stir
Quickly enters dark hall leads to deck
Black table holds a long awaited check
Services rendered all is just a blur
Jewels of the night sparkle her neck
Rushing the door closes behind her
Mind buries event etched in black deck
Eyes of sorrow carry shameful dark err
Morals have become distasteful sins that stir
Memories yearn to die become a dried speck
Jewels of the night sparkle her neck
- Rhoda Galgiani
Rondel Form of Poetry - A French form consisting of
13 lines two quatrains and a quintet, rhyming as follows -
ABba abAB abbaA - capital letters are refrains or repeats…rg