October 5, 2013

French Sonnet...

Forgiven Tears

Before I found you my Lord, I trusted no one
I went my way in daily life with not one thought
Took life for granted, I didn’t know what you taught
Your name not said, as a child I knew not your Son
Young Mother I found faith my teaching now begun
Through time my love began to grow, I read and sought
Proud I felt, giving foundation to my young tots
I saw them grow spiritually my deed was done

Now on my own He is with me always - My Lord
As my faith grows stronger during my later years
Trust is instilled in my heart where it is now stored
Turning to Him I now have calmed my lonesome fears
Devil thoughts cut away from my mind with His sword
God loves me; He wipes away my forgiven tears

- Rhoda Galgiani
French Sonnet Form of Poetry is a poem with a rhyme scheme
Syllable count is 12 syllables per line