April 30, 2013

A Lightning Tale...

Lightning sizzles the darkened sky
not asking anyone how or why
bringing depth to the moments hand
terrifying every creature and man

Moving with wildly startling speeds
screams with a fire tongue that leads
loosing its uncontrolled inner soul
as fury commands its devilish toll

Lightning the rage starts to succumb
all bow, their souls burnt into one
wiped away from coolness they found
only to be burnt, buried into the ground

Violence slowly coming to an end
as swirling calms the darkened wind
brings peace with a sorrowed frown
distant echo’s laugh like a clown -

as lightning tells its tale

- Rhoda Galgiani


  1. Amazing poem Rhoda! The imagery works well. Keep your talent coming!


  2. Thanks again Karen for your total support. You are an amazing friend in poetry...rg

  3. For those that would like to participate in a quality site, Rhoda's is one with a rich reading experience. I recommend it!!!!!

