July 3, 2011

A Childhood Carousel

Round and round I go
swirling and twirling
as the stationery horses
enjoy their perfect ride

Carousel of dreams
consume my mind as
I remember the days
of long ago childhood

Wild romping
on my horse of black
nostrils houses his hot breath
as he runs steadily round
and round in circles

Joyous sounds came
from my throat as I heard
the whinny from my steed
‘faster, go faster’ I cried -

as a Childhood Carousel
filled my heart with glee

Author's Note:

As a child I don't remember ever riding on a Carousel.
I was too busy riding 'real horses' on our cattle ranch.
Strange how simple this poetry was for me to write...rg


  1. Nice Post. This record helped me in my college assignment. Thnaks Alot
