October 21, 2010

Etched Glass of Symbols

Magic swirls within the view of one's eye
as delicate ribbons twist and turn elegantly,
eyes that seek truth above and beyond the filters
beyond the camouflage, beyond their hidden hues

Mysteries engulf the mind as the waves send
messages fulfilling the desires of the invader,
penetrating the private hollows of the hidden
as brilliant mental images lost - rise

Mentally saturated by images of depth
showered by the invasion of a brains space,
our electric vision overtakes their moments
creating our own etched glass of symbols

May we question, what we have seen
as we intrude upon another souls mind,
hidden secrets or shallowly hidden grief?
No I say, hidden glory of life that is to be –

as an invasive mind is silenced

1 comment:

  1. Much to think about here. Keep on writing and sharing your words my friend.

