July 16, 2010

Janet and Me!

So many years ago I met you online,
and you became a special friend of mine

We chatted, we laughed and sometimes we cried,
becoming friends knowing we were special inside

The place where we met was a game site online,
a place called Pogo; we would meet nightly to unwind

Such fun we had getting to know one another too,
a wonderful friendship with others and yes - me and you

Years have passed and our friendship is strong,
through trust and love we have shared all along

Feelings about Kids and our little Grey Kitties,
about the games and farms, I laugh getting all gitty

Although I live in NY and you AL grown girl,
the miles don’t seem to matter as we give life a whirl

So my friend, I post your picture for all to see
what a beautiful blessed friendship we have –

you and me!

Dedicated to a dear friend - Janet Thompson, AL


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Oh my...was I surprised to see my picture on 'Expressions" but, am very humbled at the poem you wrote. You are so blessed with the gift of turning words into something beautiful. Thank you so much. I am going to try to print that.
    Life is so precious and I feel blessed that OUR paths have crossed. Seems as time goes by, my life keeps evolving is it the same with you? Guess we can see that as we get older and look back through the years...life is good and I thank God for you and all my friends.

    God Bless Rhoda...

