February 18, 2010

East Patchogue, NY ~

A Winter's Hood

Shall it be the harshness of wind prevails?
As a blanket reveals the weighted white
A winter’s hood to those within her wake
That shrinks the warmth this December day

Wind blown with a mighty majestic might
Sculpture crystals forms icy snow art
Clinging to structures displaying rainbows
With prisms of a thousand hues to view

Shadows from objects stands in hues way
Blocks sun rays with bits of warm heat
Rushes a season that longs for spring growth
Dreams of snow caps that melt this year

Wintertime's stance stoutly strong and bold
Screams, white blankets shall come home again
Frozen depth, a depth of a solid mold
Prepare, the wind chill penetrates the soul

Soon the day begins to linger sunlight,
Draws precious time for a longer day
Knowing the storms won’t remain forever
Thy whole body longs for time to move on
- Rhoda Galgiani

Second Place Winner
Mission Impossible! Blank Verse Brain Tease Poetry Contest
February 17, 2010  ~  PoetrySoup.com

Blank Verse is a type of poetry, distinguished by having a regular meter, but no rhyme.