Shall it be the harshness of wind prevails?
As a blanket reveals the weighted white
A winter’s hood to those within her wake
That shrinks the warmth this December day
Wind blown with a mighty majestic might
Sculpture crystals forms icy snow art
Clinging to structures displaying rainbows
With prisms of a thousand hues to view
Shadows from objects stands in hues way
Blocks sun rays with bits of warm heat
Rushes a season that longs for spring growth
Dreams of snow caps that melt this year
Wintertime's stance stoutly strong and bold
Screams, white blankets shall come home again
Frozen depth, a depth of a solid mold
Prepare, the wind chill penetrates the soul
Soon the day begins to linger sunlight,
Draws precious time for a longer day
Knowing the storms won’t remain forever
Thy whole body longs for time to move on
Second Place Winner
Mission Impossible! Blank Verse Brain Tease Poetry Contest
February 17, 2010 ~
Blank Verse is a type of poetry, distinguished by having a regular meter, but no rhyme.