August 12, 2009

The Thirteenth Year ~

The thought of thirteen comes painfully,
as if a stab in the heart from a memory
of an unfair justice, a choice not made of me;
a decision coming from a greater power,
an event that is not of my will

Yesterday is so vivid, painfully real
a reality that I never want to endure again;
before my eyes close for the final journey
when I seek the peace and love from my God,
as he promised me from the beginning

A single tear comes to my eye as I
remember you and then I weep
for you are no more, you I cannot touch;
you I cannot see or feel,
for you were taken away for a purpose

The memory of you is vivid as I envision
the gentleness in your eyes, the sweetness
of your smile, remembering the softness
of your voice as you whispered,
“I love you, Mom”

I cry tears of a Mother’s emptiness,
for my Sunshine was taken that day
you saw the bright light leading
you to wherever we take our journey,
wherever is His will, whatever is His plan…

knowing we shall embrace again
- Rhoda Galgiani

Honorable Mention
Dust Box of Memories Poetry Contest
September 20, 2009

In Memory ~ My Beloved Son
John Thomas Orokos
January 5, 1962 – August 12, 1996