May 2, 2024

What's On My Mind...

Thinking the mind will come alive
with little thought is deceiving
sometimes one must think deeply
for the words to be put into ink
There is so much going on
with the world today being
low key doesn't always work
subjects in the mind float
When the thought process tires
one tries to move on positively
this doesn't always work - but try
a thought might just jump in there
Being low key this past 6 months
I have turned off writing my posts
the thoughts are just not there
because this healthy person...
had sudden hospital stays
first time in my life - 3 times - WOW!
very weak now but healthy again...
- Rhoda Galgiani

February 19, 2024

Slowly It Comes...

Sudden moves can throw one
off balance swaying here and there
quick catches brings one back to reality
as the body movement becomes strong
Everyday there is something to think upon
our movements depend on the situation at hand
our minds then become concentrated on that
thought and we move in a direction of positivity
Sometimes ones thoughts have to be
controlled with continued teachings
daily new things happen that brings us
into a new pattern thus, we learn
Not being afraid to move forward
is a key to completion of good habits
peace then maintains us but this
might come slowly... but it will come
- Rhoda Galgiani

February 15, 2024

Blessings to Mary Scott...

Dedicated to Mary Scott 
Avery Village Senior Apts
Patchogue, NY (Long Island) 
Living in a senior apt complex can
be trying at times everyone knows each other
with a hello or goodbye on a daily basis until
tomorrow then greetings start all over again
A neighbor passed the other day but
this is common here in our senior complex
we hear lots of things weekly and then
tell another the story that we just heard

 I have known this neighbor about 14 years
as I have lived here 20 years come June 1st
of course you get to know almost everyone
even if it is just a casual hello as we stroll by

Prayers are being said for the passing of our
neighbor and we send her lots of love now
that she is in heaven with our God knowing
he will take care of her blessed soul...

- Rhoda Galgiani

February 14, 2024

Beautiful Snow...

A  beautiful fall yesterday
not a season but snow from the sky
white and fluffy drifting slowly down
pure and joyous the snow comes to us
Winter was strong this year
with rain, winds and now snow
it is the first big storm we have had
in 3 years here on Long Island
With me I can stand at my window
and see all the beauty for I
don't have to go out into the world
I am retired with Gracie and Ginger
They lay on the window sill and watch
the drifts that come down so beautiful
Mommy says 'see the snow girls'
and they look at me so excited
Once in a while I will open the door
and let them feel the snow outside
they both come running back to me
with a brrrr within their purrs...
- Rhoda Galgiani

February 8, 2024

Within One's Mind...

What goes on within us
is an emotional mental tape
images thoughts and words
remain and repeat over and over

One must learn to control
these emotional thoughts
that brings us depression
unworthiness and confused minds
This takes practice to relearn
and guide to control our emotions
that come from continued visions
within one's overflowing mind

Nothing is instant
nothing is right now
be patient and learn
for it will all come in time

- Rhoda Galgiani
Author's Note:
Watching Dr. Charles Stanley the other night
he stated that the thoughts in our mind are
like a tape. To stop the thought pattern pull
the tape out of your head, rip it up and throw
it away mentally. I am now practicing this suggestion
to gain a new thought process' with my thinking...rg

February 6, 2024

Long Winter Go Away...haiku

ice touches branches
pray for spring to come real soon
winter please go home
- Rhoda Galgiani
haiku a Japanese Form of Poetry
subject is always about nature
3 lines: 1st 5 syllables, 2nd 7 syllables, 3rd 5 syllables

January 30, 2024

Listen with 'Kitty' Ears...


 I have 'Kitty' ears - what about you???


The light at the end of the tunnel
gives many the direction they need
people need suggestions to carry on
for without it one is certainly lost
Many turn to others for advice
a positive word spoken from another
could help the one who is searching
discussion can clear confusion of the mind
Some fare stubborn and won't listen
to another's opinion which could help
others have too much pride within
they turn and walk the other way

Words to ones ears can bring calm
listen then decide if those words are for you
one word can make all the difference with
difficult situations - open your 'Kitty' ears...

- Rhoda Galgiani

January 27, 2024

Sharing Ones Thoughts...

Arranging all one's problems
 takes time and thought to process
with the woes of today one is lost
until a quiet time comes to think clearly
One must learn to become calm within
it takes practice and endurance daily
putting oneself off is one's lost cause
and the confusion continues on
Peace is a joy one must learn 
it doesn't come easily today
it is a hit and miss function
but with practice one will endure

Sharing one's thoughts is a joy
although words may not appeal to all
if one thought is helpful to one
it may be helpful to many others...

- Rhoda Galgiani

January 19, 2024

New Year Thoughts...

Thoughts of a new year
have become a reality
moving forward with positive
attitudes controls one's being

Emotions can move up and down
depending on the situation around us
it is up to us to control our thoughts
to bring peaceful quality to our lives
With all the commotion daily
one must plan their safe path
walking a straight line to the
reality of life around them...
- Rhoda Galgiani

December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas to All...

Merry Christmas from the Galgiani's
Wishing all a very
Merry Christmas
from our 'hearts'
to yours...

- Rhoda Galgiani
Gracie and Ginger

December 10, 2023

Pure Love, for Sure!!!


 Kitty 0n the windowsill -
'no, no its raining outside'
but Mommy, I want to go outside
'no, no it is too wet'

She waits - that my Gracie (15)
whom I am talking about
she jumped down and then went
to her food bowl for a treat

Ginger (6) is asleep on Mommy's bed 
so content she loves 'blankies' - I 
tell her all the time "go get your blankie"

I am so blessed for my two kitties
You know I live alone so they are for
sure my family...when I call Gracie she
comes quickly and gives Mommy a kiss
on the tip of my nose!!!

Always Your Mommy...
Rhoda Galgiani

October 31, 2023

Let The Mind Learn...


Learning with age does not
come easily to a closed mind
one should and must slow down
learning to take one step at a time
Once something is learned
it shall remain deep within
which helps the body move forward
and steps into improved given life
All this does not come easily
as stated but with proper
attitude comfort will come in
the right direction if allowed
Age can be a good thing
but sometimes the mind forgets
recall is learned and memories
now are put away for a later day...

thus, achievement has arrived

- Rhoda Galgiani

October 24, 2023

Not Everyone...

'Everything has beauty
but not everyone sees it'
Eyes are turned away
to avoid the image that's lit
Why those prefer darkness
misunderstanding comes to mind
as life for all is too short
answers are not really kind
Hope for peace and harmony
grows contained in one's soul
sunlight brightens one's being
and reduces one's mental toll
All of us live our lives
our day is 24 hours at a time
to change disinchantment one
learns to clear a confused mind...
- Rhoda Galgiani
Author's Note:
The first line...
'Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it'
is from a Fortune Cookie - soooo true! rg

October 10, 2023

Hearts That Are Empty...

Hearts that are empty
go through life alone
for the soul has not
found their life's partner
Sometimes this is meant
to be for a lost soul
but maybe not for all for
companionship is out there
The daily pace has changed
for business has taken its toll
everything's a rush here and there
one's fast pace may run into hours
For one to slow down takes thought
learn change for personal moments
one with control values daily time
growth is written in one's mind...
let's all learn a slower pace together
- Rhoda Galgiani

September 13, 2023

Kindness Relearned...

Waiting for the air to clear
with the coming of a natural view
confusion that consumed one's thoughts
now blow clearly away again
Daily visions change and become dark
with positive thoughts one clears their waves
that have been bouncing up and down
and again continue on positively
The world is ever changing
kindness and thoughtfulness is gone
but with positive activity one shall remain
pure within the brotherhood of man
Yes, it takes practice in the world today
as phones are in everyone's faces
people have forgotten kindness, manners
and feelings of brotherly love for all people...
it must be learned all over again today
- Rhoda Galgiani
Author's Note:
I tend to write a lot about the same type of subject...
this is for encouragement to you as well as for me.
There is so much negativity in the world today -
that it is hard to stay positive and have a good
outlook on life and what it has to offer. Well, I 
am going to keep being positive and when I seem
to lose that attitude, I will kick myself in the butt and
continue on to the light at the end of our tunnel...rg

September 2, 2023

Age Clears Our Vision...

Angels come within us
taking control when so be it
Comfort becomes the mind
for peace again is restored
One must believe with love
for without it one is surely lost
Though there are many who withdraw
from love it is surely among us
Trust is there if we let it in
believing is there if we trust
Without either one may be lost
intentions sometimes must be learned
As we grow older thoughts become pure
maturing in a slow manner but become clearer
Age can be an hindrance, but let it not be
for age bring us closer to clearer vision...

For without clearer vision we are lost

- Rhoda Galgiani

August 22, 2023

Calm Glory...

Fulfillment around you may be confusing
at times with the hustle and bustle of 
every day gestures and living
Sometime one must slow down their
own activity and take one step at a time
this may be confusing but necessary
Once one's mind is cleared with
their own clarity and thoughts
life's movement will continue
Smiles comes to one's face
completion fulfills ones thoughts
happiness comes into their view...
for calmness has been achieved
- Rhoda Galgiani

August 15, 2023

One's Own Satisfaction...

Here's Mine!!! Where's Yours???
Wondering what is around the corner
one moves in the direction of positivity
waiting for an upcoming event to broaden
the dimmed view of controlled life
one takes it day by day willingly

Changing ones habits is a difficult process
for it takes controlled thoughts and planning
many go in different directions of disruption
life patterns are sometimes hard not to follow
clearing ones mind is a solution one must take
One needs to calm the heart and mind to accomplish
thoughts that come clearly and one then may follow
their own conversation to become complete
calmness can help focus ones being from inside out
understanding now becomes more clear
All the foregoing takes practice within the heart
nothing comes easy especially in today's world
confusion erupts readily but take control for with
understanding of ones own being and emotions
there will be completion of their own satisfaction...
Rhoda Galgiani

June 18, 2023

From the Heart...

Words come at a slow pace
with thoughts that remain lost
one who voices can lead the race
but chooses to reject the cost
Emotions run high and low
at times confused thoughts remain
moments taken as a come and go
one sits to enjoy the forever rain
As the skies clear brightness glows
a heart is filled with hope and prayers
ones mind is filled with positivity it shows
and shared with those who are aware...
they are loved
- Rhoda Galgiani 

May 29, 2023

Yup, it's me...

Rhoda - 2012
I have known this person for 73 years.
She was born on a hot August night
in So. CA - she is my best friend and
I love her. She grew up as a Cowboy's
Daughter which began her exceptional
love of animals. She rode horses, fed
the animals and shot a 44-40 and 30-30
Remington Rifle. She has fond memories
of those days on the ranch with her Dad.
Then she married and raised a family. She
discovered that she had the writing ability
for expression. She started writing during
the years of raising her teenage children.
It released a lot of tension of being alone
while her X husband worked his late shifts.
She writes spiritually about being lifted by
the love for her God, about the emptiness
she carries deep within her soul, also about
new paths to freedom, seeing the light and
of course animals. This person loves all
around her, gravitates to strangers easily
because she has no family ties. She has
lost many of her family members and for
many years hasn't had a male figure in her
life. That is why her friendships even in a
simple email are so important to her. Having
a heart that loves the world, a personality of
helping and fixing things for people and a voice
that is in a constant chatter mode, she does
speak out, but mainly her voice in heard in her
poetry - poetry that contains her feelings...
Her name is Rhoda Galgiani
Author's Note:
I wrote this many years ago about myself and posted it on Facebook -
someone found it and re-posted this writing...I decided to
post it on 'Expressions' feeling someone might want to know
who Rhoda is...rg

April 24, 2023

Joy Being Shared...

What you say in
speech is what matters
opinions are carried
far beyond our words
Intelligence plays a part
with words that are shared
being stupid doesn't work in
our speedy world of today
Learn to be spacious
and expand ones thoughts
to cover many ideas and
subjects that pertain to us
Thus, much is gain daily
as joy is shared with all...
- Rhoda Galgiani 

April 4, 2023


April is here
with warmth coming
to the stale air

Winter was long
little sun with light breeze
cold here and cold there

Weather has changed
from years long ago
can't get warm anywhere

Will wait for summer
shall arrive with days of
warmth for all to share...

- Rhoda Galgiani

March 28, 2023

Joy - Meet Someone New...

Some people can be
so kind and gentle 
with their words
and mannerisms

It is too bad the world
isn't more like this
more as it was years ago
more caring and friendly

Meeting someone new
can be a joy with pleasure
it comes with surprise
Like yesterday -
I met a women who
made me feel happy...
Could I ask for anything
more? NO
- Rhoda Galgiani

March 11, 2023

A Map We Conceive...

Strength is gained when
attitudes are sent in
the right direction
with understanding

Holding on to strength
is difficult for it can have
an up and down emotion
depending on the thought

Waking with a positive
attitude is something learned
as one practices yes within
their heads instead of no

Everything is to be learned
if one wants to improve their
lives for nothing comes easily
most of life is a map we conceive

- Rhoda Galgiani

March 1, 2023


Searching for a way to belong
is confusing especially when you
have a personality wanting to blend

People today are in
their own little worlds
not really caring about others
Manners are not there
concern is not there
gentle words are not there
What is there - is
in ones mind 'what about 'ME'
all is just for them

Well, not this lady
I care about others
I help if I can...
with words or actions
- Rhoda Galgiani
 Author's Note:
Have to let off a little steam -
thank you for your read...rg

February 15, 2023

Winning a conversation debate
is glorified when recognized
by the other speaker
Sometimes conversation can be rough
holding anger within ones veins
walking away with discontent
Thoughts with a positive end
can be a reward if contained inside
a brag is a fault not to be tolerated
One certainly can learn from intelligence
taken with stride one learns on a daily basis
thus, available to be pass on to others...
- Rhoda Galgiani

February 8, 2023

Mature with Knowledge...

Time is precious especially 
when it is put to good use
it can heal, teach and grow
going in the right direction
Sometimes confusion 
creates misguided choices
one learns from ones mistakes
then a good choice is selected
All is learned from our growth
time allows us to experiment
learn and select what is right
if not the choice is discarded
Age comes quickly to all
where have the years gone
but with a positive attitude
one matures with right decisions
Rhoda Galgiani

February 1, 2023

A Weather Game...

White covers the ground
with cold chills that surround
a seasonal winter earth

Nature doesn't know her
calendar for she comes and goes
when she desires to share a flake
Nature does her thing
we wonder what will come next
for daily it's a weather's game
- Rhoda Galgiani