with the coming of a natural view
confusion that consumed one's thoughts
now blow clearly away again
Daily visions change and become dark
with positive thoughts one clears their waves
that have been bouncing up and down
and again continue on positively
The world is ever changing
kindness and thoughtfulness is gone
but with positive activity one shall remain
pure within the brotherhood of man
Yes, it takes practice in the world today
as phones are in everyone's faces
people have forgotten kindness, manners
and feelings of brotherly love for all people...
it must be learned all over again today
- Rhoda Galgiani
Author's Note:
I tend to write a lot about the same type of subject...
this is for encouragement to you as well as for me.
There is so much negativity in the world today -
that it is hard to stay positive and have a good
outlook on life and what it has to offer. Well, I
am going to keep being positive and when I seem
to lose that attitude, I will kick myself in the butt and
continue on to the light at the end of our tunnel...rg