September 30, 2022


dreary is the day
clouds cover the dim lit sky
longing for sunshine
- Rhoda Galgiani 
haiku a Japanese Form of Poetry
subject is always about nature
3 lines: 1st 5 syllables, 2nd 7 syllables, 3rd 5 syllables

September 25, 2022

Rhoda and Her Two Best Friends...

Gracie 14 years old Mother left her
in front of my apartment for me to adopt at 4 weeks old!  

 Ginger 5 years old
adopted from an
animal shelter at the 
age of four months!
Loyalty comes with little white paws
there in the morning with the raising sun
and in the evening with the sleepy moon
Some people living alone need company
others go about their lives singularity happy
this life needs a meow or two on occasion
Being a huge animal lover I pray
for all animals of the world daily 
this is me and happy with my choice

Hoping those who read me
will help an animal in need
if not, shame on you...

- Rhoda Galgiani

September 23, 2022

Uplift the Soul...

 One's stroll is strong but quiet
eyes visualize the earths growth
beauty within springs all around
young harvest brings joy to the heart
Being alone can have its strong points
brings one to clear the mind and opens
the heart to more than the now issues gives
new perspectives to what surrounds one
Sometimes facing the world and its downs
dislikes its visions but yet realize what is
one then opens the mind and heart
to find their new worldly discovery 

Life can be happy and wonderful
provided one looks at it that way
being down is not the answer
find a moment that uplifts the soul...

- Rhoda Galgiani

September 20, 2022

Time Searches...

Visions within the mind dwell
longing to come alive with fulfillment
simplicity follows to slow the flow
of ones normal life's movements
Thoughts of achievement follow
grow to assure a complex being
calm that will come to the discontented
brings clarity to one confused state
Happiness begins deep within
daily one learns to rid the body 
of anxiety that grows with hate
calm is the final solution
Time searches for completion
for without it one will never learn
one will hover over ups and downs
slowly to gain the wisdom they yearn for
- Rhoda Galgiani