August 29, 2021


Feelings of joy can come immediately
like a breezy wind across the cool sky
most is blown clean with new thoughts
crispness encounters one spirit willingly
Freshness within the mind is welcomed
clears away all the stale moments buried
blueness in the sky wakens ones memories
brings hope and happiness to their soul
Without faith and positive attitude
one is lost in the shadows of doubt
wiping away the discolored motion
clearness of ones vision is restored
Uplifting visions remain if so desired
one must train their own thought patterns
for them to return and remain in their soul
thus, a feeling of freedom shall grow rapidly
- Rhoda Galgiani

August 23, 2021

Happy Birthday to Me...

Happy Birthday Rhoda
Age appears each year as expected
accepting reality one moves along
until the next year comes again
As one grows the world changes
not complaining it is bad
but realize it moves quickly
A settled spot one feels content
moments appear with sudden change
questions consumes the mind - why?
Age can play funny games
contentment, unrest, happiness and peace
one can go with the glow or fight it

This writer choose to accept my games
for I feel and know He is always with me
now that it is my age changing year - again!

Rhoda Galgiani
Author's Note:
Yes, it is my birthday August 27th! I will be 80 years old - wow, oh
wow, where has the last 30 years gone? I am happy and content with
my life but, wish I had a boy friend to share it with! LOL Moved to a
new apt. in the same Senior Apt Complex ..June 3rd - the change is
good for me and all my new neighbors very welcoming...rg