December 30, 2020

Happy New Year 2021...

 Happy New Year
to each and everyone one...
2021 has to only get better!
Rhoda, Gracie and Ginger

December 18, 2020

A Slower Pace...

 Time passes so fast
a blink of the eye its gone
moments don't seem to last
an hour isn't very long
As a child the day seemed forever
time was with us morning till night
seemed evening was something of never
played and all was just always right
Now age has caught up on us all
fast pace just isn't to be
at a moments notice once may fall
walk slowly so the eyes can see
Happy a snowy day is here
whether it drifts fast or slow
learn to enjoy all days of the year
there are many places still to go...
one step at a time
- Rhoda Galgiani