March 30, 2020


Feel the chill in the air
can't go out anywhere
now we must stay at home
it's sad I want to roam

What can we do but pray
now can't go out to play
it's one day at a time
now moments are just mine

Soon said all will be well
that's if this isn't our hell
 earth becomes one again
kill virus we will win...


- Rhoda Galgiani

March 25, 2020

A Personal Note...

 I got my blankie, how about U?

Being a senior
and living alone
well, not alone
with Gracie and Ginger

I am staying in
only went to the store
a couple of times
I stocked up 2+ weeks ago

I made sure I had
lots of kitty food & litter
lots of mac & cheese
and such as I didn't
want to be empty handed

So, I hope all of you
are being careful
staying away from crowds
and being good to yourselves

This virus is staggering
to all of us as we have not
experienced our country
being shut down like this 

Sending best wishes to all
with prayers from my heart
as we take care of ourselves
and our beloved pets also...

Hugs from,
 Rhoda, Gracie and Ginger

March 20, 2020

A Difficult Time...

Difficult to write at this time
writer has a heavy heart
know all will be Ok
but until then we'll struggle

Protect oneself daily
use sanitizer regular
be smart about ones health
it's important at this time

America is besides herself
but she will regain strength
as her citizens grow and 
protect each other...

best of health to all from,
Rhoda, Gracie and Ginger

March 11, 2020

The Key...

Emotions run true
they get out of hand
thoughts become rapid
mind is in a swirl

To slow down one learns
block with one focus
thus, thoughts go away
brain now takes control

Learn control is hard 
time dedicated
is key to success
have faith in journey...

calm mind over comes

- Rhoda Galgiani

March 8, 2020


Spring is a gentle lamb
sweet and clean to the touch
with buds that start to grow
grass a little bit greener

Spring is a beautiful time
with freshness in the air
all has been renewed again
moments not harsh it seems

Spring is a fresh start
with joy to fulfill all
days are bright and longer
dreams become reality

Spring is a breath of clean air
as she sweeps earths dust
hope is restored for all
time for new growth as we...

recall our lost visions

- Rhoda Galgiani

March 5, 2020


Shadow about 3 yrs. old
'Gracie and Sissy look for him everyday out the window!'

Memories of him
he strolled by each day
taking his sweet time
doing it his way

A little afraid of all 
but comfort with some
came for his food
we knew he would come

Now he is gone
for the past month or two
think he was taken in
by someone he knew

We miss our guy
Shadow is his name
beautiful handsome boy
but guess he is playing...

his own kitty game

- Rhoda Galgiani

March 1, 2020

A Question is Knowledge...

Confidence in one's ability
has its special rewards
relaxed in a situation
brings peace to the mind

Questions never hurt
they help to understand
strengthening the moment
with completion that satisfies

Knowledge is the key
many just don't take the time
to ask another opinion or
maybe they just don't want...

to look stupid ~ hmmm

- Rhoda Galgiani