January 27, 2020

America's Loss...

Kobe and Gianna Bryant
 January 26, 2020

The world is in shock
over the sudden death of

Kobe Bryant 41 and
his Daughter Gianna 13

An American Athletic Icon
loved by all because of his
glowing personality and abilities

Global prayers for the family
I pray you both rest in peace

- Rhoda Galgiani

January 11, 2020

A Steady Pace...

 A chill in the air
is comforted by the
warmth of a hearts glow
with thoughts of grandeur

Control of the mind
remains the goal of one
pure thoughts clarifies all
as decisions become focused

Sometimes this takes practice
for the world moves so fast
all is a buzz around us
to pace ourselves remains...

our moment of truth

- Rhoda Galgiani

January 7, 2020


Thoughts come in and out
deep some want to shout
memories from long ago
stir the mind ready set go

Happiness runs deep inside
other thoughts want to hide
life for all is up and down
sometimes we laugh like a clown

Take each day one at a time
we don't know which will rhyme
open eyes a morning bless
memories come during our rest 

Clear vision from long ago
love in the heart feel and know
happy soul within me still
continue there is my will

- Rhoda Galgiani

January 5, 2020

I Long to Say...

I long to say what is within a word,
a word that says what I show
with loyalty, with light
always a part of His glow

I long to say what is within a book,
a book that says what I was
with faith, with spirit
always a part of His world

I long to say what is within a song,
a song that sings a story
with harps, with joy
always a part of His word –

that is a lyric waiting

- Rhoda Galgiani

January 3, 2020

Widen Eyes...

Peace and quiet claims the day
content now within oneself
it is the only safe way

Take care brings one inner peace
walk the path with some guidance
one's soul receives a release

Day by day have a clear mind
also carry solid hand
life will come steady and kind

New year opens doors to all
widen eyes see life today
a fresh start be strong don't fall

- Rhoda Galgiani

January 1, 2020

Happy New Year 2020

New Year 2020

Sending warm wishes
for health and happiness
in the new year for
you and your family

Rhoda, Gracie and Sissy

Expressions Poetry Journal