December 29, 2019

Sun Takes Nap...

gloomy is the day
sun takes nap all is quiet
tomorrow might wake

- Rhoda Galgiani 
Author's Note:
haiku a Japanese Form of Poetry
subject is always about nature
3 lines: 1st 5 syllables, 2nd 7 syllables, 3rd 5 syllables

December 27, 2019

Positive Reality...

The New Year
is just around the corner
with the right thoughts
and correct planning
all will be on the right path

Sometimes we hit a boulder
brings us to a blunt halt
but, with faith all turns around
we continue in the right direction

With the world as it is
it is necessary to think positive
what else can we do
if we want our lives bright

So...New Year's is coming
I have thoughts about changes
I am going to be strong
and bring my thoughts to reality...

isn't that what faith is all about?

- Rhoda Galgiani

December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas 2019

Gracie 11 1/2 years old

Merry Christmas 
'the girls'
Gracie and Ginger

(oh, Rhoda too!)

Ginger 2 years old

Sending Warmest Holiday Greetings
with Wishes for a Healthy New Year

Expressions Poetry Journal

December 24, 2019

Perspective ~ haiku

peace in the valley
calm in the massive mountains
secure your own yard

- Rhoda Galgiani 
Author's Note:
haiku a Japanese Form of Poetry
subject is always about nature
3 lines: 1st 5 syllables, 2nd 7 syllables, 3rd 5 syllables

December 22, 2019

He is Born...

Born in a manger
where all lambs lay
wrapped in a blanket
Mary gave birth this day

Angles adore Him
blessed those who view
our Baby Jesus
born for me and you

God sent Him to us
saving the world today
prayers are heard by all
on this glorious...

Christmas Day

- Rhoda Galgiani

December 21, 2019

Open Eyes...

Pause just a moment
peace will come within
let's all slow down
don't run on a whim

Take time to regroup
plan comes into view
one step at a time
brings comfort to you

All's a rush today
with shopping and such
take a slow step back
don't have to run much

Seek love around you
some it leaves to fast
open eyes to others
consume so it will last

- Rhoda Galgiani

December 19, 2019


Peace an important part of life
some experience it daily
others it doesn't come their way
they question this as to why

Sometimes we have to develop peace
within our own realm of life
it take calm positive thinking
good patience also is the key

Many take their life for granted
expect all to come their way
always the good and not the bad
but life may not work on that day

We must develop positive ground
and practice good around us
we must stay upbeat concur doubt
and gain faith that's needed to...

endure the world that contains us

- Rhoda Galgiani 

December 17, 2019

Rain ~ haiku

rain cold ground calls you
sun awaits wet nourished growth
roots now long for spring

- Rhoda Galgiani

Author's Note:
haiku a Japanese Form of Poetry
subject is always about nature
3 lines: 1st 5 syllables, 2nd 7 syllables, 3rd 5 syllables

December 16, 2019

Christmas Time...

Movement all around
people doing their thing
chores need to be done
music in the air does ring

Busy shopping for gifts
as holiday soon will come
happy time for all
sad maybe for some

Christmas just around the corner
so much for all to get done
spread happiness and cheer
Christmas smiles to everyone

Soon evening sun will set
day will end on time
all will be noticeably quiet 
settle down enjoy ones rhyme

- Rhoda Galgiani

December 14, 2019

One Day at a Time...

Illness can touch us all
suddenly unexpected
as news hits the ears
from an medical expert

Some take the news hard
others with a grain of salt
and work with the expert
who diagnosed the patient

As we age our bodies change
this is to be expected
sometimes it is hard to take
but, with faith all will be well

With today medicine and care
and with a good mental attitude
one can go through bodily changes
with grace and peace of mind...

that is what I am doing upon
being diagnosed with A-Fib...

- Rhoda Galgiani
Author's Note:
Atrail fibrillation is a heart condition within the chamber of the heart. As the heart pumps the blood the issue is compromised with an unsteady movement which can cause blood clots and stroke...hmmm, not really an accurate description but, you get the idea...rg

(Got this with a Google search...)
Atrial fibrillation is an irregular and often rapid heart rate that occurs when the two upper chambers of your heart experience chaotic electrical signals. The result is a fast and irregular heart...rg

Authors Note: 12-24-19
Went to the Heart Dr. today and the meds I was put on for the A-Fib are working just fine. I am to wear a heart monitor for 2 wks and then go back the end of January. I am feeling just fine and I am confident with my heart Dr. ...what a great Dr. he is...rg 

December 11, 2019

Snow Day...

Gaze out my window
snow fall fluffy light
another cold day
winter a delight

Time passes quickly
but will take it slow
one day at a time
winter long time go

Birds at the feeder
chirping happily
someone cares for them
the way it should be

Another day goes by
sun comes out on snow
ok by me for today
I'm home no where to go

- Rhoda Galgiani

December 9, 2019


          If I can’t see
      how can I witness the beauty that surrounds me?

      If I can’t hear
      how can I be entertained by the sounds of nature?

      If I can’t speak
      how can my voice of silence say thank you?

                               For the blessings
                     I receive everyday ~ from Him

                             - Rhoda Galgiani

December 7, 2019

Cool Dawn ~ haiku

cool is morning dawn
brings another day of chill
cold days pass slowly

- Rhoda Galgiani
Author's Note:
haiku a Japanese Form of Poetry
subject is always about nature
3 lines: 1st 5 syllables, 2nd 7 syllables, 3rd 5 syllables

December 5, 2019

Her Passing...

Dedicated to: Richie Johnson
Upon the passing of his Sister
Caroline Leclair

Passing is difficult
full of emotion
full of loss
full of pain

We all have to pause
take time to compose
take time to console
take time to regroup

Somehow we manage
grow ever stronger
grow calm within
grow positive...

for that is what
He teaches us

- Rhoda Galgiani

December 2, 2019

Fist Hug ~ Pass It On...

I don't like the
fist bump!
 I give the
fist 'hug'...

pass it on!

Hugs from 


Beautiful Fall Day

Clouds here today
their back to say
it is my way

Gloomy and dark
rain lost its lark
leaves have no spark

Tomorrow brighter pace
rain moves out with grace
sun may show it face...


- Rhoda Galgiani