December 27, 2017


Winter freeze chills to the bone
sudden drops to the twenties
what a shock to the system
and downer to the brain

Winter cold covers the ground
all comes to a sudden stop
what a shock to the greens
and downer to their roots

Winter is low point to earth
around the corner is hope
what a shock we went through
and downer we endured...

Spring brings beautiful growth
temperatures rise from the sun
warm the frozen greens and roots
Mother Nature keeps her promise

- Rhoda Galgiani

December 25, 2017

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas
from our House
to Yours...

Gracie (top) and KiKi (bottom)

December 22, 2017

Baby Jesus

Love comes together this time of year
Christmas spirit touches one's heart
time now slows we hear the cheer
souls look forward to a new start

Smiles come quicker than before
people are happy filled with love
sing happy holidays at the door
beautiful light come from above

Many remember the day He arrived
a manger where He laid now was warm
angels whisper to all come see He's alive
announces to all our Lord has been born

- Rhoda Galgiani

December 19, 2017

6 Days Til Christmas...

People you meet along the way
wish happy holidays sweetly they say
with joy and smiles upon their face
strolling the avenue with a quick pace

Shopping and busy in the store they go
gifts for family they search high and low
store decorations are beautiful to see
bring happiness with a joyful glee

Holiday season brings peace and joy
people celebrate the birth of a baby boy
our savior came to save the world
he watches over every boy and girl

Go about your way and shop till you fall
but never forget the meaning of it all
the birth of our lord he loves us so
waits in heaven one day we will go

- Rhoda Galgiani

December 14, 2017

Sun's Gift ~ haiku

expected  snow came
stark white cold fluffy and bright
gone - sun melted it

- Rhoda Galgiani

Author's Note:
Haiku is a Japanese Form of Poetry
consisting of 3 lines with set syllable count
1st line = 5, 2nd line = 7, 3rd line = 5
Subject is about Nature only...rg

December 11, 2017

Play with Snowballs ~ Think of Spring!

Promise of snow comes this way
as winter seem slow this year
some laugh they say that's Ok

Others, winter can't come too soon

they cheer for the beautiful new season
it's just around the corner they croon

Each year we deal with the cold wet snow
playing with what falls in our pockets
create snowballs throw fast as they can go

Soon we'll see the buds peek to the sun
spring flowers will delight and cheer us all
but, dreams of snowballs brings happiness...

as the cold is forgotten by everyone

- Rhoda Galgiani

December 3, 2017

Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

Love consumes those of faith
they call to Him in prayer
Awesome is the moment 
all know He will be there

Wind swirls spread His truth
to people who will listen
Brings peace to His world
morning wakes with glisten

Hallelujah Hallelujah

All sing praises of Him
voices loud and clear
Joyous are His people
they know He is so dear

Hearts full as people wait
together share faith in Him
He knows all will come home
those who believe..surely win

Hallelujah Hallelujah

- Rhoda Galgiani