January 29, 2016

Before, During, After

Before I was feeling empty
Since joy didn’t fit in my heart
Smiles came and went with sad sorrow
Frowns seemed to frame my empty face

During this time, I found my way
Seeking my truths as I did pray
Understood that my days turned black
Comfort in life I now did lack
All was taken in a short flash
Dreams tumbled and suddenly crash
As failure overtook one’s mind
Your love in life turned cold and blind
Sorrow captured my body’s peace
Life we lived died coming to cease

After years of solitude pain
The mind grew and heart became full
Faith in one’s own self and in God
Taught me again to become full

- Rhoda Galgiani


January 26, 2016

God's Angels

Guiding star to God’s heavens
is the light of His spirit
Great wings from God’s angels
now bearing your faith
- Rhoda Galgiani

January 24, 2016

Season's Style

Breath of winter breeze
commands a coming freeze
snow bows in winter white
hovers in heaven’s light...
ice crystals cling

- Rhoda Galgiani

January 21, 2016

Become Whole Again

Peaceful meadow filled with buds of beauty
dance in the wind that spreads colorful waves
to all who fill their hearts with gentle love
smiles wipe the frowns as serenity comes

Twisted minds are calmed just for a moment
allows destined light to a despoil path
peaceful calm listened to one’s lonely heart
light upon one’s eyes show pathway ahead

Footsteps in one’s stride directly broadened
one’s path become visual and ready
new direction, new thoughts, new horizon
rejects fear continues directed walk

Minds confusion calmed as the light prevailed
faith overtakes the weakened structures state
trust gained as stable foot carries the body
confidence takes shaken will of despair -

as one becomes whole again in their heart

- Rhoda Galgiani

January 17, 2016

Light of the Night

Silver moon turn on your light
velvet power in twilight hours
mystic pull reaches flower -
must die to be reborn
- Rhoda Galgiani

January 14, 2016

My X-Beau

The phone rang - Hello?
A voice from the past
It was my x-beau
How are you, I asked! 

I’m just fine, he said
Old thoughts came alive
I felt swirls in my head
Divorce I did survive 

25 years marriage shared
We raised three children
Once he showed me he cared
This man was one in a million

But, his love for me died
I had to go it alone
For years I silently cried
I struggled on my own

Departed from my only true love
I still admire and think so much of
- Rhoda Galgiani

January 13, 2016

Yesteryear's Memories

Memories - lessons carry
reminder of life , a wonderment
of colorful rainbows and youthful
gifts of gentle knowledge of
yesteryear’s disappearance

- Rhoda Galgiani

January 10, 2016

Along the Way

Along the way we somehow get lost
twists and turns that follow trails of woe
we search for truth that is before us
silently we hear ‘I am here - always’

We turn in the direction of His words
calmness over takes our weakened being
His light touches our soul with His truth
again His words ‘I am here - always’

Through Him our faith and love rings us free
trust His words we feel His love forever
He will not forsake us as He touches our hearts
joy comes as He speaks ‘I am here always’

- Rhoda Galgiani

January 1, 2016

Happy New Year 2016

Wishing You All
A Very Happy New Year
Blessings From ~
Rhoda and Gracie