October 28, 2012

Featuring Donal Mahoney's Poetry ~

My Name is Fuzzy ~ Photo by Carol Bales

Feline in Winter

Some days you think the cat will stay till summer comes, 
this Prodigal Son you've fed for years, this feral cat
who comes and goes and comes again when hunger strikes
But he just eats and leaves your porch, 
despite the pillows plumped for a Sultan’s duff. 

He disappears in falling snow 
only to appear again outside your door at dawn, 
his green eyes dancing when he sees you bring 
his mound of kibble, topped with tuna, 
and his bowl of milk. Some days he mounts  

the pillows for a nap. At noon, however, 
he begins to yowl. He wants out again 
to parade triumphant down the walk
his tail an exclamation point. He romps 
across the snow and fits beneath the fence

He's gone again. Out of sight.
He plans to spend another evening  
where the feral cats hold services.  
They yowl and fight and copulate 
till hunger strikes and then 

this Prodigal Son comes back and sits 
outside your door with tail wound round
and waits for you to bring his kibble,
topped with tuna, and his bowl of milk.
Then, he's gone again. Out of sight.

© Donal Mahoney

Donal Mahoney, a native of Chicago, 
lives in St. Louis, Missouri. His poetry and fiction
have appeared in The Sound of Poetry Review
and other publications in the United States, 
Europe, Asia and Africa.

'Expressions' wishes to thank Mr. Mahoney for his submission...rg

October 23, 2012

Sic'em Big Boy...

Submitted to 'Expressions' by
Dena M. Ferrari, NC

October 22, 2012


Your heavy desire
only allow you to see
what you are looking for
Travel the road with questions
look high and low along the way
seek the answers do not soar

Confusion causes doubt
clear the mind step by step
take a stroll to the truth
Grow within the lost heart
harsh lessons are now learned
go back to trustful youth
 Sing to the heart with love
answers will reveal doubt
from a wing of a dove
Drift to places of peace
calm the minds doubtful side
joy will come pain will cease

© Rhoda Galgiani

First 3 lines are from my fortune cookie - rg

October 17, 2012

Adorable to Love...

How Could You Not Love Me???
Submitted to 'Expressions' by
Jan Henson, Poet ~ England

View Jan's Poetry in the Writers Forums at the Writers and Poetry Alliance
Search: nefertari   http://poetryandpublishing.co.uk/

October 15, 2012

Dear Diary

A Day at the Seashore

Ocean breeze caresses the shore
Brings a breath home again once more
Gently dusts white sands
As the sea shell lands
 Reaching hands
Touch and score

Ocean breeze kiss the sea’s white crest
As waves crash with a hardy zest
 Loudly as thunder
Fish swim deep under
They wonder
Where to rest

Ocean breeze comes to quiet calm
As branches relax on the palm
Sun sets in the west
Nature comes to rest
Night is blessed
Sings in psalm

- Rhoda Galgiani

October 8, 2012

Featuring ~ Raul Moreno, Poet

Austin Whinery (pictured)
'Expressions' is Proud to Feature ~
'I'll Be There'
by Poet Raul Moreno, OK 
To read more about this Poet
You may Google - Raul Moreno Poetry

A Short Distance...

A Single Tree Lives Alone in the Meadow
Dedicated to the Senior Citizen

A mile is a short
distance unless you
times it by another -

Joining the walk
together is a bond
that should have
been there from
its beginning -

One should not have
to walk alone when
that short mile is
within another path…

- Rhoda Galgiani

October 4, 2012

Love Me? Love You!

Submitted to 'Expressions' by
Barbara Dyson, NV