August 29, 2011

God Protected Us During the Storm...

Long Island was totally blessed during Hurricane Irene
All of us are safe
- Hugs, Rhoda, Max and Gracie

Picture is part of an email sent to 'Expressions' from ~
Barbara Dyson, NV

August 27, 2011

Made From Junk Cars

A man that converts parts of scrapped cars into sculptures worth thousands of dollars, 46-year-old Australian Artist James Corbett

Submitted to 'Expressions' by
Carole Wolfram, UT

August 24, 2011

It's Mine, All Mine - Ya Hear???

Submitted to 'Expressions' by
Carole Wolfram, UT

August 23, 2011

White Swan, White Swan...

White Swan, White Swan,
Where have you gone?
You use to be so plentiful,
On the shimmering water pond.

Beautiful feathers like
Cloud puffs at your side,
Long neck flowing that moves
To and fro as you glide.

White Swan, White Swan
Come back to us fast.
Your gracefulness, your beauty
We long for you too last.

Without you dear Swan
Our lives would be gray.
We long for your beauty
So stay, please stay -

And never go away.

August 18, 2011

Angel in My Pocket ~

I have an angel in my pocket
God put her there for me
You may not believe it
She's not an angel you can see

But when I'm sad

And my way seems hard to find
I take time out and say a prayer
And talk to this angel of mine

I will always keep her in my pocket
Close here near my heart
Knowing she will help me
And that we will never part

Submitted to 'Expressions' by
© Vernette Hutcheson, Poet, LA

The Fifteenth Year

The thought of fifteen comes painfully,
as if a stab in the heart from a memory
of an unfair justice, a choice not made of
me, a decision coming from a greater power,
an event that is not of my will.

Yesterday is so vivid, painfully real,
a reality that I never want to endure again,
before my eyes close for the final journey,
when I seek the peace and love from my God,
as He promised me from the beginning.

A single tear comes to my eye as I
remember you and then I weep for
you are no more, you I cannot touch,
you I cannot see or lovingly feel,
for you were taken away for a purpose.

The memory of you is vivid as I remember
the gentleness of your eyes, the sweetness
of your smile, remembering the softness
of your voice as you whispered,
“I love you, Mom”.

I cry tears of a Mother’s emptiness,
for my Sunshine was taken that day
you saw the bright light leading
you to wherever we take our journey,
wherever is His will, whatever is His plan -

knowing we shall embrace again.

Dedicated to My Beloved Son
John Thomas Orokos
January 5, 1962 - August 12, 1996

August 15, 2011

Dear God: It's Me, the Dog...

Dear God: Are there mailmen in Heaven?
If there are, will I have to apologize?

Submitted to 'Expressions' by
Elsie Catterson, LI, NY

August 10, 2011

Wee'z Been Published...

Please visit the following links and view my new book of poetry.
I hope you will support my efforts and order my new book. Or, if
you prefer, I will order the book, autograph it and mail it to you for $15.
Please take a moment, drop me a note and tell me what you think!

Hugs from,
Rhoda, Max and Gracie

Introduction at You Tube...

Order Book at

August 9, 2011

Hey! It's Not Only About the Cats & Dogs...

Submitted to 'Expressions' by
Vernette Hutcheson, LA

August 6, 2011

The Heart of a Warrior


like most Canine Members of the elite U.S. Navy SEALs,
is a Belgian Malinois. The Malinois breed is similar to
German Shepherds, but smaller and more compact
with an adult male weighing in the 30-kilo range.

God Bless our Military and Canines
as they continue to protect freedom -

Submitted to 'Expressions by
Carole Wolfram, UT