February 25, 2011

A Dedication ~

My Southern Friend ~
Dedicated to Oma66 ~ Chesapeake, VA

Southern friends are a heartfelt joy,
they sweet talk every girl and boy

They’re kind and certainly aware,
always showing you that they care

Southern friends take you in their heart,
you know you’re special from the start

They invite you into their home,
looking after you so you don’t roam

I have a southern friend from years ago,
she still contacts me - she’s good to know

She lives south and I on the northern side
we still communicate though our miles are wide

with news that touched -
our long ago past

February 19, 2011

Mrs. C ~

Dedicated to My Friend ~
Frances P. Castellana, New Hyde Park, NY

Her Heart -
as large as the universe would allow it to be
Her Voice -
as soft as the springtime blossoms upon the tree
Her Eyes -
as clear as the bluest sky as she looked at me
Her Soul -
as pure as God’s hand as He gently touched thee

Her Glory - touch my heart forever ~

February 17, 2011

Surround a Lonely Heart...

Dedicated to My Friend & Neighbor ~
Walter "Joe" Otto, Long Island, NY

Diamonds created from an uncut stone
buried within the earth’s surface,
once found they are cut and shaped
with facets of purity

Rare is the Diamond that sparkles
with a magnitude of brilliance,
catches a sad eye for clarity
with hues that glow - blinding

Diamonds fill the heart - the purest
of love is given as the soul surrounds
its glowing depth bringing a moment
of silence to the heart that feels

Rare is the substance that one takes
for granted, purity and love may be
shared as the Diamond opens a heart
to the facets of life as

gifts of love -
surround the lonely heart

February 10, 2011

Follow me kid, I'll show you the ropes...

Sent to Expressions by -
Vernette Hutcheson, LA

February 4, 2011

She Comes Home Sassy and Bold ~

A season of white upon us
taking away the Sun's bright glow
shuffling her drifts into banks
of pure white driven snow
Feet travel on her icy path
slipping as they glide to and fro
careful steps the foot beyond another
praying to get where they yearn to go

Inches of snowflakes grow
piling millions a top one another
forming hills of cold that pushes
Spring away altogether

Chills upon thy breast
causes deep cold within thy soul
as one kneels in prayer asking
the season that brings us such cold

to quickly pass -
for she comes home
sassy and bold

Long Island, NY
- Rhoda Galgiani